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"Leave" The handsome man snapped. His tone came across as monotonous and somewhat aggressive.

Well, certainly looks aren't everything. My heart palpated as I drag my legs upwards in a stance. It was beating so loudly, I could feel it against my rib cage.

I am dead. Mom is going to bury me alive.

The very least I had an insufficient excuse, this isn't my job. I belonged in the kitchen not serving food upstairs to the Royals.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty" I apologized. "I promise, It won't happen again"

Yet again, I accept his superiority over me. I worked for this man, my family worked for him. Not accepting my mistakes equated an unforeseen circumstances that could possibly ruin a lot.

The Farsi women had worked for the House of Mana since before they established Mana as a country. It was a rigid framework.

"It seems as though you are deaf." He adds. Even when insulting me, it was undeniable that this man spoke eloquently and was heaven sent.

"I'm sorry," I say embarrassed at my actions. I was tongue-tied because this was entirely my fault.

I don't allow myself to mess up more because I immediately made my way out of the suite. I instantly let out a long sigh of relief as I close the door shut.

No matter how bad, at least, it was over.

I sprinted down the stairs, not opting for the elevator because I didn't want to run into anyone, I'm antisocial in that way.

Entering the kitchen wing. Mom sent me a glare before gesturing me to follow her suit. I just knew I was going to get scolded for taking time up there I took ten minutes doing a five minute job. I blamed my clumsiness and the staircase.

"Why were you taking long up there?" Mum huffed as she opens the fridge. Although, It felt like millennial seconds. She was right, this time.

"He was taking time to answer " I explain curtly. I play the blame game. I could feel her raise her eyebrows in question.

"He's the Crown Prince. He can do what he wants"

I gulp.

I just screwed up in front of the Prince. I messed
up before the man that signed of on my paycheck.

He could fire me in a blink of an eye. I wasn't ecstatic about this job, if anything I hated it, but my entire family relied on it. I couldn't forget that.

Could today get any worse?.

"Go get some rest and take a shower. Visit the Queen before it's lunchtime" she orders and I nod, shifting the past where it belonged, the back of my mind.

I needed the day off. I needed a week off. Hell, I needed life off.

Of course that wasn't possible, all I wanted was dinner off so I ask.

"Am I cooking dinner as well?". My voice is laced with hope but that immediately dies down when Mum answers.

"Of course"


As soon as I arrived in the Workers Wing, I race to my room. My room was on the first floor, I always hated that, but, for the first time, I'm glad. for it. I love my room, it was my escape at the palace and my only haven.

After some minutes of lying down and thinking about how this was my life till the end. I finally got up and decided to take the coldest shower possible.

I loved cold showers. I love the cold. It made me feel alive.

The chills that you get as ice-cold water run through your skin. I cherish every moment.

After about an hour in the shower, I finally got out. I rubbed some lotion then change. Since it was just 9:30, I decided to get some sleep till 11 since lunch is served at one-thirty. Hopefully, there was going to be enough time.


The annoying sound of the alarm jolted me awake.

I groan as it rings before finally dragging myself out of my bed, the most challenging part of my day. I quickly get ready because I was already late due to snoozing off my alarm countless times.

When I finally arrived at the kitchen, Mom was already there. As usual, never late. "Finally I thought you were going to be late"

If only.

Mom decided that I and some of my cousins would make two meals and then some of my other cousins and aunts would make whatever they wanted too. The Royals had many choices even though most of them had a little appetite, Good for Razan and I, we enjoyed the leftovers.

I decided I would make something easy and didn't take much time. Garlic butter steak with Potatoes and spicy spaghetti squash noodles. It took long before we were done but thank God it's finally over.

Engrossed in my thoughts I suddenly I felt a finger poke my face. Who-.

It was Latifa.

Before I could comprehend she wraps her body around mine.  For starters, Latifa's gorgeous. She has long and perfectly straight black hair that seemingly never gets frizzy or anything. Even Latifa's eyes are to be envied because they're not even a solid colour- they're like, greenish-blue or something; I don't know. I don't just stare into her eyes but they're perfect. And that is the least most interesting thing about her, she held these strong views about feminism, politics and movies. She could never be a bore.

Today her usual black hair was in a neat ponytail. She wore a Louis Vuitton jacket and a Prada dress.

She looked absolutely beautiful that it clenched my heart to look at her.

Before, all the female Royals would always get dressed up makeup wear designer dresses but then never leave the house because they weren't allowed like to ever go out. Everything they could do ended at the doors of this palace.

She hugged me snapping me out of my thoughts. Her strawberry scent filling my nose, her mission accomplished. She still smelt like vanilla. As weird as it was Latifa was obsessed with smelling like vanilla, so she bought vanilla shampoo, lotion, body spray, perfume etc.

"I missed you too much" she muffled into my shoulder.

"I missed you more, Beautiful," I say with full honesty. It was true I missed her more than everyone here.

"I missed you more-est," she said making me let out a chuckle. Same old Latifa.

"Where's Munira, "I asked as we left the kitchen. Finally finally.

"She's upstairs with Ma" she answers. "They sent me to get you, since you refused to come to see us" They better not think that, I was just beyond busy and besides I was planning to go after lunch.

"That's not true"

"Mhm-kay" she shrugs in a joking tone. I know she meant it as a joke but I was feeling guilty. They helped me so much in life, if not for them I don't know what my life would've been today.

Just as Latifa was about to open the door to the Queen's suite. It was opened the door by probably the one person I didn't want to see.

The Crown Prince.

I could feel the glare he was sending towards me.

He was probably plotting my death.

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