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"I believe that everyone de-"

"Shut the fuck up"

I was taken aback at the sudden manner in which he spoke to me.

"You have no idea who I am. I could easily ruin your life." he says steadily. "Let's get something straight. I don't appreciate or tolerate people talking back at me and quite frankly, your crossing your limit with me. my patience with you is at the last bar. So from know on you'll respect yourself and your job and won't bother me again. Understood?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I didn't get it, how could his voice be so beautiful and calm and at the same time be so deadly.

"Understood Your Majesty"

And with that I left.

Hoping I would never cross paths with him again.


A month had already passed and it seemed like my life had returned back to its normal boring way. Alhamdulilah for that, honestly I had learned my lesson. I never wanted to get in trouble with any Royal ever again. Ever.

I only stayed in the Royal kitchen and even if Latifa and Munira wished to talk to me I would simply invite them to my room.

I can't remember the last time I saw the Power behind the throne also known as,The Crown Prince.

I leaned against the kitchen counter as I read the a thriller novel The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. For some weird reason I loved reading thriller novels. I was a very curious person and every slight of mystery always got my heart racing. Which is why I loved series that had suspense like The Walking Dead.

"Anan, you won't believe what just happened"Latifa chirps, clapping her hands together interrupting me from my reading.

By her side was Munira her partner in crime and together they were probably the biggest entertainment in this Palace.

I force a toothy smile onto my face as I close my book wishing I was as optimistic as these two. I can't imagined how they lived their life happily behind the four walls of these palace.

"What?"I ask solemnly. I wanted to be as cheerful as them but in a way it just couldn't happen. I didn't know what was wrong with me.

"Munira has an admirer"Latifa says in a sing song voice making Munira roll her eyes in annoyance.

"I do not"

"Oh, Really"I folded my arms staring at Munira. She was biting her lower lip her arms behind her back in a questioning look.

I'm pretty sure she didn't who it was too. Latifa tends to jump into conclusions easily, she once claimed that their relative His highness Khalid and I were exchanging glances together. When clearly we weren't, like he's way out of my league.

"The son of the governor of Mana, Faisal"

"For real?"I instantly clamp my hand over my mouth.

"It doesn't matter because I don't admire him back"Munira interfered earning a glare from Latifa.

"You will soon"I shrugged in a joking tone, a soft giggle escaping my mouth.

Munira rolls her eyes in a joking tone and for the rest of the day we spent it at the kitchen while teasing Munira. At some point they even helped me cook but obviously they sucked at it so they simply just passed me the things I needed and just kept me company.

At the end of the day.

No matter what happened.

You always had your friends who became your family.

And that's all that mattered.

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