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I love rain.

When it comes to nature the only thing I admire so much is rain, the smell of rain is fresh and grassy and it's beautiful. Rain in The City has got to be my favorite, the reason is because of how everyone gathers to watch the rain. It happens rarely so it's really appreciated unlike in the States which it happens often.

Due to the fact that it's 21st century and weather apps exist, everyone knew it was going to rain today. Thank Allah today is my day off so I can watch the rain till it stops. I got dressed in my favorite white abaya with a pastel pattern at the edge. It was my favorite for a reason. Let's face it almost all my abayas were white, literally almost all my clothes were white. It's obvious white was my favorite color, I love the fact that it symbolizes purity and faith.

I lived for that color.

I decided to use a cream colored hijab and did a turban. I then applied very little makeup, I couldn't believe I was getting dressed up to watch the rain, actually it was one of the reasons. It was my day off and I loved dressing up on my day offs. I could wear whatever I wanted.

I made my way to the royal kitchen to find something to eat because damn I was starving. I arrived in less than five minutes because of a few stops using my phone, I was a phone addict but cmon who isn't. No wonder my mum complained a hella lot.

Immediately I entered the royal kitchen I sensed trouble. Momma was sitting at the counter with my uncle, Uncle Jabir. I bet they were talking about me and I guessed right because my Uncle Jabir spoke immediately he spotted me.

"Anan, Alhamdulilah you're here"he says and I fought the urge to raise my eyebrows. "Come have a sit"

I scrutinized my footsteps as I made my way towards them. I dreaded what he had to say, whatever it was, it was definitely going to spoil my good mood after getting all dressed up for my happy day someone out of no where was going to spoil it in one conversation.


"Morning"I say quietly flipping my hijab and trying not to frown my face keyword trying. It wasn't like I disliked Uncle Jabir, I just didn't like being around all my uncles because well they were annoying. They always had one conversation with me: how to be an ideal woman.

And trust me I wasn't interested. Clearly.

Just as Uncle Jabir was about to speak we were interrupted by an "As salamu alaykum" it was my dad's elder sister Aunt Walida.

Yep. My happy day was ruined.

"Wa alaykum salam"we all answer but mine was a bit faint. She sits down with us at the counter and flashes me toothy smile which I give her a small smile in return.

"Anan, the reason we are gathered here is to discuss your marriage"Uncle Jabir speaks.

I knew it. Why else?.

"Yasser talked and apparently you said you didn't want to get married"He continues. I didn't know Yasser was close buddies with my uncle. I wonder why they were suddenly close, please note the sarcasm.

"He's right Uncle, I don't want to get married"I tell him while folding my arms.

"How old are you Anan?"Aunt Walida asks. I wonder if she was being serious or if it was a rhetorical question. Either way I kept quiet.

"22 years of age"Mumma who had been awfully quiet throughout the conversation spoke.

"You're 22, if you don't get married now then when"Aunt Walida says.


"When the right person comes"I shrug. I was honest, I mean when the right person comes there was no way I was going to turn a blind eye.

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