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I look at the sky and I thought about Icarus, and how he flew too close to the sun and ended up dying. He was brave and he was ready to sacrifice his life because of his love. It made me realize that I could never make that sacrifice not because I didn't want to but it was over and much too late.

It had passed a year since the last time I saw Ahsab. He had never responded to my mail and I never re wrote another one. I had to move on no matter how hard it was, no matter how much I missed him. So much. Sometimes, I can hardly breathe.

Baba had passed away two months ago and although I got my last goodbyes with him, it didn't change anything less I still felt like my life was empty. Loosing someone is hard but what's more hard is living after that person is gone knowing that life had to be continue and be led.

"Are you ready to go Ayesha?"I look up at Mama who had just exited the mosque. I had waited for her to pray because I wasn't going to and I didn't wanna stay at home for longer.

Over the time Mama and I had grown incredibly close and that was because grief, it brought two people together because only the two of us knew what we were experiencing.

Latifa, Razan, Hafsa and most of my extended family had come had come for Baba's death even the Shiekhas. I didn't ask about Ahsab and no one said anything, I didn't watch the news nor did I use social media these days, apart from the laptop so I hadn't heard of him at all.

"Yes Ma"I stood up and followed her suit as we walked back. We were supposed to visit Baba's grave since it was Friday.

"You go on"she says. "I have to prepare the meal for our neighbors"

I simply nod biting back at my words to tell her to dismiss it for later, but I knew her. She liked being organized and the only way to be that was to start early. Besides the offering was a Sadaqah and was in the name of Baba so I understood her.

I bid her goodbye making my way to the garden where Baba was buried. This was his final wish because of his love for green he wanted to be buried in their midst. I couldn't even begin to explain how terribly I missed him. I was still in mourning, I tried my best not to fall into depression but the rare showers and crying myself to sleep was a sign.

I open the gate to the garden and seat beneath the tree shifting my gaze to the word carvings.

Here lies;
Abdullah Farsi
A Servant of Allah
Recite Surah Al Fatiha upon him

I close my eyes and the tears flow. It seemed just like yesterday when I lay on his chest and he stopped breathing. He had died in my presence and that hit totally different. I recite the invocations before standing up knowing the longer I stayed the more sadness that would fill me.

I pace out and I'm perplexed at the person I see. Ahsab's bodyguard, Ibrahim. I stare at him questionably before clearing my throat about to speak but I'm not able to when he steps out of the car.


I can't breathe. I feel my heart racing against my rib cage when my plain brown eyes meet his rare ones. I don't speak not because I'm lost words but because every single words I know have vanished from my thoughts and it seems like I was born yesterday. Both of us just stare at each other.

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