Chapter 1

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        "I was spending the night at Niall's house and I woke up the next morning to a beautiful day with sunshine peaking through the curtains. I looked down and noticed a trail of rose petals leading out of an open bedroom door. I followed it down the stairs and smelled the delicious scent of bacon. I kept following the petals to the kitchen where my beautiful Niall was standing by a plate with a perfectly prepared omelette on it. He gave me smile and said 'Good morning' to me and gave me the plate. He sat down with me at the table with his omelette and we started eating. I noticed he was studying me pretty closely, but I decided not to say anything. About half way through my omelette, I bit down on something hard. I took it out of my mouth to see a beautiful diamond ring and looked over at Niall and he was on one knee. He asked me to marry him and I, of course, said yes." I told this to another interviewer on a talk show.

         I have told this story to countless people, mostly people I didn't know that worked for networks or magazines. All people care about nowadays are other people's personal lives, especially celebrities'. I am not really a "celebrity", I am just engaged to Niall Horan, which I guess makes me remotely famous. It's not like they care about my love life anyway, they care about Niall's, which I am involved in. To the public, I am not Arielle Strong, I am Niall's fiancee. I am more than fine with that, though, because I already get enough paparazzi in my face as it is.

        "That is such a perfect way to purpose! So romantic, just like a fairy tale!" The interviewer exclaimed.The audience cheered and awed. "And this happened a year and a half ago?" The interviewer asked.

        "Yes. We haven't had much time to plan anything with him being on tour and such. We will soon, though, because I will be working as an assistant stylist for One Direction in a few months and I will be traveling with them." The audience clapped and awed.

        "Arielle Strong, or rather soon, Arielle Horan everybody!" The interviewer announced as we stood up and shook hands. 

---------------------------------------------- * 3 months later * ---------------------------------------

        Today is the day Niall would be coming home from tour after a year of being away. I sat down in the airport and tried to calm myself down. I don't know why, but I always get nervous before Niall gets home from tour. I also couldn't be more excited. Out of the 4 years we have been together, this year has been the hardest. I guess he has been busy, because we only skyped about once every two months and he hardly ever texts or calls. It truly is difficult to have a boyfriend that is always away.

        I guess I was daydreaming for a long time because when I looked down at my phone, I saw that it was 2 minutes until Niall's plane was scheduled to land. I ran to the baggage check to meet him. Almost exactly on time, Niall came jogging towards me. I ran and jumped into his arms.

"Hi Ari." he said into my ear.

"Hi Ni. I can't tell you how much I've missed you." I said back.

        He let go to get his bags and we walked to the car. There wasn't much conversation on the way home, which was quite unusual. His mind just seemed to be somewhere else. He's probably just tired. He has had a long tour and a long flight. I told myself. I always avoid jumping to conclusions. It's not fair to judge people on a story you just made up yourself.

---------------------------------------------- * 1 month later* ---------------------------------------

        "Princess, you're the only one for me! What happened to our trusting each other? I love you," Niall pleaded.

        "Who is she? You know I don't like to accuse people of things I don't have solid proof of, but with you being away for a year and this Bailee girl calling and texting you 24/7, it's real hard not to." I shouted.

        "She works for the band. She is a new assistant song writer. We are just friends. Besides, she's with Liam. She texts and calls the other boys just as much as she does to me. I love you and there's nothing going on between Bailee and I." Niall explained.

         His eyes started to water and his face was getting red. I can't stand watching Niall get upset. It's like watching a puppy suffer after being kicked. I know he loves me as much as I love him. Why would I accuse him of cheating on me?

        "Oh Niall, I'm so sorry. I let my suspicions get the best of me. I love you so much." I said, bringing him into a hug.

        "It's okay baby." he whispered to me. I stayed in his embrace for a while, realizing again how much I missed his warm hugs when he was away.

 "I have to get going. I planned a girl's night with Shai and Ally. I will be back around 11." I said, pulling away and giving him a light kiss. I walked out of the door and into my car.

        "Hey Ari!" I heard Shai call from across the pizzeria we were meeting at before seeing a movie. I walked over to the table they were sitting at.

        "Am I late?" I asked before sitting down.

        "No, we're just early." Ally said with a smirk.

        "I'm sorry. Niall and I just got into a little argument before I left to come here. I jumped to conclusions and accused him of cheating. I know I was wrong." I said.

        "Oh forget about him, tonight's a girl's night!" Shai said enthusiastically. I smiled and we began eating.

        As we got up to leave, I looked in my purse and realized I had forgotten my cell phone. I told Shai and Ally that I was going to go get my phone from home and that I would meet them at the movie. It didn't start for another 45 minutes anyway.

        I drove up to our house and noticed that there was an unfamiliar Honda in our driveway. One of the boys probably got a new car. I told myself. I walked up to the door and heard a female voice. I looked into the living room window and saw Niall sitting on the couch with a brunette that had a ton of makeup on and was wearing a dress that was blindingly sparkly and way too short. I recognized her as Bailee from her contact photo.The lights were turned off and there were some candles on the coffee table. Niall picked up a fork with a bite of food on it and fed it to her. He set the fork down and kissed her. A lot. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I watched my one and only being taken away from me. I almost ran away out of sadness, until anger took over and I walked into the door.

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