Chapter I: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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Set after season 3 finale. Major Spoilers ahead

While listening, play: I love yoo soundtrack Dulce de Leche ;)

Chapter i: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Attempting to close the book of spells, Marco created an explosion of spiraling lights instead. Everything around him, including himself, was thrown across the floor with a loud thud. Face down the floor, he searched for his friend whom he found was thrown across the bed.

His vision grew steadily bleary as he squinted at the blonde girl who was starkly unconscious. The least he could do was reach with trembling hands as his body gradually weakened. This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for him and his stupid curiosity. "S-Star..." Marco muttered worriedly under his breath before he completely blacked out.


It was just another regular day at the kingdom of Mewni. Ever since Star defeated Toffee, things had gotten back to normal. Marco was still Star's squire and they almost always went on wild adventures. Tom was still with Star and they usually go on dates together leaving Marco on his own. It seemed like a normal day for Marco until he was once again summoned by the knight of the laundry. As if things couldn't get any worse, in the middle of fighting a purple lint monster, Marco's phone vibrated and rang in his pocket.

"Space Unicorn! Soaring through the stars! Delivering all the rainbows all around the world!" The loud ringtone played from Marco's phone.

Star. Out of all the times, why now? Marco reached his phone in his pocket and answered the call. This was the third call from Star since morning. And it's not even afternoon yet.

First, she called because she got her comb stuck in her hair and said she couldn't find it. It was no surprise that it was in her hair because he could stick a piece of gum on it and she wouldn't even notice it was there for 3 days. Second, it was because Glossaryck went bonkers again, saying gibberish this and that. Helping her was grueling but fulfilling once he got to see Star's eyes sparkle in fulfillment each time he helped her.

Marco held his phone to his ear, and a familiar voice somehow made him oblivious of the monster about to devour him to the bone. "Marco! What should I wear? Agh! I dunno what to wear! Please, please, please help..." Star pleaded.

Marco struggled to answer back as he slashed his sword to the monster, scattering purple suds everywhere. That move only made matters worse because the monster only grew stronger.

"Um...Star, I'm kind of... in the middle... of something here!" Marco warned with staggering breaths after every slash. Star didn't get the hint. "Pleeease! What could be more important than your BEST FRIEND?" She taunted him. Marco scoffed.

Star had a knack for threatening people to get what she wanted. But, Star is Star, there's nothing he could do about it. Star distracted him from defeating the monster. If he wouldn't focus now, he'll get eaten by huge lint. And getting eaten by one isn't part of his bucket list.

Finally, Marco saw an opening to the exhaust and went for it, avoiding the lavender monster the best he could. Once he got to the huge exhaust fan, he used the monster as leverage and bounced to the blade of the fan. Using all his strength, he barely pushed the fan down, but it started turning quickly. Before he knew it, the purple monster vanished to the other side and what's left were these unsuspecting purple suds.

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