Chapter XXIII: Building Trust

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A/N: I PASSED BEFORE THE 24-HR MARK YASS. Updating twice in one day hell yea first update of the wear. Welllpp to make up for my disappearance, I'll throw some chaps to your faces!! I hope after I've disappeared you'll still read my story jasdhfjhfa. Hopefully, I haven't lost too much readers or commenters. Anyone there?

Phew that last chapter was spicy. Hopefully, this chapter isn't too spicy lolol. Anw, Ready,, set, READ!!

Chapter XXIII: Building Trust

"Marco! What happened to those hot dogs on this plate?" Marco yelled as she grabbed the empty plate, searching for any trace of the food Marco waited on for two hours. He turned her head and saw how Star looked smug and satisfied as she wiped a crumb off her mouth with his hoodie. Marco glared daggers at her and carefully dropped the plate on the table by the counter.

He narrowed his eyes at her and pointed a finger at her. "You—"

Star stretched her arms and placed it behind her head, making sure she was comfortable. "Those goblin dogs were Gee-ood." Star remarked.

"I waited for that for two hours!" Marco fumed. "Two dang hours and you eat them all! And we were supposed to share! At this rate, you're gonna make me fat." He snapped. Star waved her hand downwards. "Eh, you can just magic it away."

Marco crossed his arms. "If it was that easy, I would have had my buff body back by now!" He yelled.

Right then, a familiar sea green monster appeared before them from another dimension. A portal tore open from the plate, causing Marco to tumble down the floor.

He had with him thirteen other frogs who stuck to him like Velcro. Katrina grew a lot taller and the others even learned how to talk. The expression on his face was indiscernible but it sure didn't seem like he brought good news.

The monster picked Marco up and spoke in his usual Russian accent "Princess, I brought some news. I'm not sure you're gonna like it..."

Marco dusted his clothes as he got on his feet. Without second guessing, Star gave her old monster friend a hug. "Buff frog! You came back even sooner than we expected! Oh my gosh!" Star said as she squeezed her friend. Ever since the monsters left Mewni, things have never been the same for Star. A part of her went missing because it was her lifelong goal to bring peace and harmony between monsters and Mewmen. Her attempts to reach that was always brought to naught because the wounds time festered grew too big to heal. She might as well give up on achieving this goal.

Buff frog pulled Star from him, looking a bit surprised how who he thought was the earth boy became suddenly affectionate. He turned to the alleged princess and cleared his throat before repeating "I have bad news..." Star's enthusiasm easily turned opposite. Marco was the same.

"But before I say this, let's go to somewhere peace and quiet. Someone might find us. Follow me." He said and followed a path which led to the entrance of a forest. His children and the two best friends followed suit. Buff frog placed one of his children on a low tree branch and placed his arms behind his back.

Buff frog just looked at the squire and the princess sternly. Somehow, Star hoped it wasn't something too big, or that Buff frog is just bluffing. Hopefully, her guts were wrong. Buff frog sternly gazed at Marco. Upon opening his mouth, Buffrog enumerated the series of events one by one.

"So here's how it went..."

Buffrog told them about Skinkoln and the monster troop's hideout in a huge warehouse. He told them how Rasticore came back to life and how their troops were sectioned into different areas. Until how the monster king came back to life after being frozen for a long time.

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