Chapter III: Tensions

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A/N: *Warning* here is the slightly mature chapter. Don't read if it makes you uncomfortable. I'll put an asterisk (*) on that part.

Also, long chapter ahead. Brace yourselves.

Chapter iii: Tensions

A long comfortable silence unfolded as the partners of Mewni gazed upon the hidden marvel that is Eclipsa's quarters. Yet it was soon broken by a vibration coming from Star's pocket. Marco immediately panicked, flailing his arms as he searched for the source of the sound.

Star chuckled at her clueless friend, turned to him and grabbed her own phone from her pocket. The circular screen showed a familiar demon with horns and purple skin. It was Tom.

Aside from the fact that he now had to imitate Star's lingo, he also had to pretend to be Tom's girlfriend. Imagining the intimacy he's gonna put up with for who knows how long almost made him gag. His luck couldn't get any worse.

Pressing the call button, Marco mouthed 'What should I say?' As in a game of charades, Star began doing sign language which Marco failed to comprehend.

"Star, are you still up for the date? I've been sitting here for an hour and a half already. Is there something wrong?" Tom stated, looking slightly angered on the circular screen. Eyebrows furrowed, Star shook her head intently at Marco.

Mustering all his dignity, Marco did his best to imitate Star. "Uhh..maybe next time?"

The hurt in Tom's eyes were evident as he looked down. "Oh, uh, okay. So when are you available?" His voice softened like he was stifling his anger. Star motioned at Marco to tell Tom that she's quite busy so she couldn't go. "Uhh...Star--I mean I am quite busy fighting with monsters right now so I couldn't go. Maybe we could go on a date this Friday? On the blue lagoon?" Marco spewed.

"Star...if there's anything that's bothering you or something, I just want you to know that I love you and I'll always be here when you need me, got that Sugarp-"

"KSSSSHHHH. Tom? Tom? Kssshhh. Oh sorry, signal's a bit slow here I ought to hang up. I love you, bye-" Marco said before swiftly swishing his finger on the end call button. Interrupting Tom was the best idea that came to him to at least preserve some of his dignity. A faint sound of chuckling was what he heard from his back before he turned around and saw Star suppressing her laughter.

"PPFFTT. HAHAHAHA. Holy cow. That's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done in my body so far, Marco. On second thought, this isn't too bad. It's funny how you get so flustered even though you're practically me. Did the nacho king just profess his love for the prince of the underworld?" Star mocked.

Marco literally felt his face flush red as an apple, and before he knew it, he found himself spitting words that would surely grow Star more in this entertaining enterprise.

"Shut up!" He growled. "It's not like you don't actually do that in front of me!" Clenching his fists, Marco pumped steam out of his ears.

Mortified, Star averted her eyes from herself, biting her lower lip to show that she was at a loss for words. "I-I'm sorry Marco. Does that make you feel uncomfortable? Is it too much?" She asked with concern in her eyes.

"Well, yeah. Obviously. I feel like a third wheel when I'm with you guys and such an idiot whenever I try to come close. But it doesn't matter, I'm just your best friend anyways. " Marco professed irritably, crossing his arms and pouting.

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