Chapter X: Beach Party (Part 1)

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A/N: Yo whassupp you guys. I forgot to update yesterday lol sorry about that so here's an update for you. And another one tomorrow. Love ya'll hope you enjoy!

Chapter X: Beach Party (Part 1)

"I never expected you'd invite this many people, son. Even Love Sentence! We literally couldn't move without bumping another person...oh sorry. Didn't see you there." His father apologized at a person he bumped.

"What's her name?" Marco asked.

"Marcia Jr." His father said. "She looks like me, right?" His father noted.

"No! I told you she looked like me." His mother argued.

"Nah, she both looks like you." Star stated to stop the argument.

"I guess that brings us compromise then." His father said, but his mother only folded her arms in dismay.

To Marco's surprise, the child cooed at him. "Eh, M-Mago!" She pointed at Marco, wanting to be held by her real brother. Star and Marco exchanged looks.

"N-n-no. That's Star, dear. And that's your brother, Marco!" His mother pointed at them respectively. "We taught her how to say your name. And guess what, nacho is her first word. Isn't that flattering?" Angie celebrated. "Isn't that right? Aw gucci-gucci-goo." She said.

The best friends both sighed in relief. For a moment, they thought the baby could tell them apart. Though, it's just a baby. They couldn't do much harm. Hopefully.

"N-Nacho!" Marcia exclaimed.

Just then, they heard a car honk at the front of their house. His father grabbed his megaphone and shouted "Alright, everyone. Beach time!" He happily announced.

Everyone cheered, and soon enough, the crowd gathered outside to enter the rented coasters.


Finishing her first serving of bay breeze, Star set her glass down. She ordered another drink with the pineapple on top. After partying all day long, she retreated from the flurries of excitement to a casual atmosphere bar.

"Pina Colada coming right up." The attractive bartender charmingly said with a smile.

"Yeah. Bring it on. I'm startin' to feel...hic...drowsy." Star lazily said.

"Placebo effect. I didn't put alcohol in your drinks. You're still minors." The bartender shot a smile while artfully pouring drinks from one glass to another.

Marco pointed finger guns at him to show that he was impressed. "H-hey. Good bartending right there unlike many others." He said to the bartender who in turn imitated the gesture.

"Ooo. I guess you could say...shots fired." The bartender triumphantly said.

Star just rolled her eyes. Very punny. As he turned around, a familiar third eye greeted him. Marco almost fell from his seat in shock.

"Holy mother of nachos..." He said, defending himself with his hands. Star stifled back her laughter as she stared at the two. Little did she know how traumatized Marco already was in her body.

"You're beautiful." Tom flirtatiously said while batting his eyelashes profusely.

"You're drunk." Marco said and did a karate stance.

"Oh, get a room you two. I'll head outside for a bit." Star said and went outside for some fresh air.

The air was so different from the tainted air in Mewni. She felt her lungs filling up as she breathed in the salty ocean air. Just this once, she felt free from all the responsibilities of being a queen.

Trailing her gaze on the ocean, she didn't expect to see Chris the chrysanthemum haired guy riding on a surf board half-naked with six pack abs.

When she sent an invite in the 'Everyone in Mewni GC,' she didn't expect the Florian family was also part of it. She noticed how everyone was practically drooling at the man, though, she couldn't argue with them, he was a living dream.

Just then, she saw someone slip and fall from a cliff, but perhaps she was just having fun so she just shrugged it off.

On the other hand, Janna only went to the party on a whim. Plus, there was cake and she just wanted to look chill on a beach rock. That beach rock happened to be a huge cliff, and when she decided to sit on it, she slipped and fell right into the ocean.

Water began filling in her lungs, and before she knew it, she was drowning. She tried to clutch onto something solid, but her attempts were only brought her to even more hot water.

To gasp for air and to reach onto nothing were the only things she could do as she slowly ran out of air. She never expected that she would die like this. All she wanted was to eat cake. Why must the world be so cruel?

Movement. Hands. All of a sudden, strong grips hoisted her up from the ocean. Her eyes were greeted with juniper ones and a charming smile that made her heart race which she never expected would happen in an entire lifetime. His hair looked like a chrysanthemum in a shade of carrot and he had a very strong physique to swoon over.

Janna placed a finger on his collarbone. " That stings. Did it hurt when you fell from the sky?" Janna flirted with him.

On the other hand, Star continued strolling on the beach, her feet sinking on the soft sand with every step she took. She then felt a pat on her shoulder. As she turned around, she saw the same amber eyes that greeted her a few days ago. He wore  a long sleeved shirt which covered up his arms. His body was lean unlike his brother's. Star shook her head to stop from looking at his body. 

"Oh, it's you." Star bobbed her head to the side.

"Yeah. Sorry if I didn't say that I was a prince sooner..." Ethan scratched his head. "I didn't expect you'd be the ex-boyfriend of the princess." He timidly said. Star's cheeks flushed from the word 'boyfriend.' So, she just waved her hands in disagreement.

"N-no! She's not my girlfriend. We're just...friends."

"Oh! I guess that makes sense." His icy gaze melted a bit. "Wanna go inside the bar for some nachos? I thought you said last time that you wanted to go have nachos?" He invited Star.

She had to be cautious around this guy since he found out about their secret despite only meeting him for once. If she didn't want anyone to find out about their secret, the easiest way was to be on good terms with him. So, she hesitantly nodded her head as they headed inside the bar. 

A/N: Bello that's it I hope you enjoyed. FYI, Chris is like eighteen so don't worry about pedo or something. Also, I wanted Janna to have someone. She doesn't really need anyone but I still want to give her someone LOL.

And OMG classes starts next week wish me luck you guys and virtual hugs hope I meet new friends. Have you ever been scared of meeting new people? Because I am, unfortunately. I hope I meet people with the same likes as I have lol. Usually, people my age like cool sporty stuff and here I am liking cartoons and comics and a couch potato. Where do you even meet people like that? Lol. If you like the same stuff as me, feel free to message me and we can be friends yey!

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