Chapter 1: For Sell

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Author's Note: I'm a huge fan of American Horror story and plan to make a story from each season. I do not own any of the American Horror Story episodes/seasons, but I do own my character Cherry Berrymore. I also have this story on my Quotev account ( . So don't be alarmed if you see this story there. Please no plagiarizing I worked very hard and hope you enjoy.


1993 Westfield High School...

It was just a normal day in this purgatory hellhole people called high school. Where the best years of your life are supposed to be born.

Best years my ass.

High School is where the best years of your life come to die, but that's just me.

Between the competitions of who wears what better and who's dating who. These were the worst years of my life. Being treated as an outcast on the very first day of my freshmen year. Thinking that a fresh start in high school would differ than my years in elementary school. How naive I was back then. I was now a junior. One more year and I couldn't wait to leave all of this bullshit behind me.
Waiting in the lunch line to receive my slop that was considered food. Watery mashed potatoes with off colored Salisbury steak drowning in thick brown gravy. I sighed grabbing a carton of chocolate milk that was lukewarm to the touch making me grimace. I walked outside since the school allowed all of the students to eat in the picnic area. It was beautiful out being the perfect temperature between warm and cool with the leaves on the trees turning the colors of reds and oranges. I inhaled the fresh air sitting at a table alone as per usual. It was better to be alone than with fake friends I'd always say.
Pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose taking out a book of poems from my backpack by various authors I admired. Smiling at the ones about love and death both subjects that really interested me. I was then interrupted by a commotion that had started a few tables down. A crowd had formed, but I was still able to see a group of three to five jocks surrounding a table. One throwing a lunch tray forcefully to the ground while jumping on top of a table where a boy sat. He held his head down avoiding eye contact and any confirmation of confrontation.

Deep down I knew the feeling.

"You're in our seat, Loser!" one yelled into his ear.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." he apologized in a low monotone voice. Grabbing his backpack and preparing to stand, but was shoved right back down hard into his seat. The group chuckled and laughed as if picking on the weak was so amusing to watch. I dug my fingernails into the wooden table I sat at. Peeling away the old blue paint. Debating on whether to get involved, get help, or ignore it.

Something was telling me to help him.

"Well I guess you'll know after today." the leader threatened opening a carton of milk. The others held the dirty blonde boy still as he fight against their strong hold trying to get away. All of the other students just watched. Like tuning into their favorite television program. Everyone gasped, pointing and laughing as the white liquid poured over the blonde boy's hair soaking it as well as his green and black striped sweater. The boys released him. Laughing as the boy sputtered and coughed tripping over his own feet falling to the ground.

The group of jocks and their bimbos in short skirts with blue and white colored pompoms in hand laughed holding their stomachs.

"HEY!" I yelled as they all looked to me only to get a face full of cafeteria food. I flung my metal tray left and right. Gravy going everywhere. Seeing the cheerleaders scream at their ruined tank tops. The boys wiping the crap from their faces.

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