Chapter 2: Fun and Games

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        I was so excited running all the way home from school. I had just saw some fliers announcing that there was a carnival being held by the beach. Entering the building where I lived. An orphanage. Being too old to be wanted by families looking for a children right at their cute age that was apparently newborns to thirteen year olds. After that most kids my age aren’t going anywhere until we turn eighteen and are kicked out. I had only two more years and I’ll be thrown out into the cold world to fend for myself. Going upstairs to change clothes leaving out again. The place never really cared what time we returned only that we did at all.

        The sun was just about to set. I waited in line for my cotton candy to be made at the food stand. The carnival was always so pretty at night. The blinking lights of the game booths and the giant Ferris wheel that overlooked the beach. The smell of buttery popcorn in the air mixed with the sounds of squeals and laughs from children in the company of their parents.

BOO!” a voice exclaimed in my ear startling me from my thoughts. I quickly looked to see who the culprit was. A relieved sigh left my lips when I saw it was just Tate. Laughing his head off holding his stomach with one hand while holding a small carton of popcorn with the other. “Your face…” he said between his laughter trying to breath. “...was priceless.” he sighs standing straight again. I shook my head. I couldn’t help, but to smile. He did get me. “What are you doing here?” he asked tossing a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

“My mom loved carnivals when she was here. So I couldn’t help, but keep the tradition going.” I shrugged taking my stick of pink fluff from the man thanking him. Walking along the sidewalk with the tall blonde.

“What do you mean when she was here?” he asked out of curiosity. His voice soft as if I would snap at any moment.

“To start off I never knew my father. It was just me and my mom until she was taken when I was about six. So I now currently stay at the orphanage down the street from our school. They said she had schizophrenia and suspected I had it as well, but…” I tried off shrugging a bit before finding my breath. “...they said many things. Like how she tried to harm me and that’s how I got the scars on my chest. I don’t believe them. My mother would never hurt me. Said that the institution they put her in would “help” her.” I shrugged placing air quotes around the very word. Scoffing with disgust.

“What happened?” the blonde boy asked.

“She committed suicide a year or two later. In the place that was suppose to help her.” I answered wiping a few tears from my eyes. I felt Tate’s arm snake around my shoulder as we continued our stroll. His hold was comforting to me. Bringing me in close to him. “Sometimes I’m afraid of forgetting her. Her face, her kindness, her voice….” I admitted sobbing softly. I could hear her singing the melody she would hum to soothe my fevers or when I scraped my elbow or knee.

“I’m sorry.” he apologizes. I smiled at he kind gesture.

“Do you think I’m crazy?” I asked looking up into his brown eyes.

“Yeah.” he answered. My eyes went wide at his answer “But I’m into crazy. Normal is boring now a days.” he answered brushing his nose against mine making me laugh. Wiping my tears away with my sleeve.

“So, What are you doing here, Tate?” I asked changing the subject while taking a bite of the sticky fluff.

“I actually never been to a carnival and just thought... what the hell.” he shrugged. My eyes went wide stopping as he stops as well looking to me.

“You’ve never been to a carnival?” I asked not believing him. He slowly shook his head. I snorted with laughter. “Come with me…” I instructed taking his hand in my free one. “I’ll show you how amazing carnivals can be.” I smiled.

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