Chapter 5: Step Sister

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“Cherry?” the social worker who has been here since I first got here called entering the girl area. My head popped up from my book brows furrowing to why she was calling me. Was I in trouble again because I didn’t do anything to piss anyone off. Well as far as I know.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Gather your things.” she informed simply. I stopped her just before she walked out of the room.

“Why?” I asked. The middle aged woman sighed rolling her eyes at my question.

“You’re being adopted. So hurry up.” she answered leaving the room.

    Packing the few items I had. Clothes a few books and bracelets my friends had given me to remember them by. With one last group hug I was escorted to my new family. I wondered who they were, I wasn’t seen by anyone in months. Parents looking for children. Rounding the corner I saw the back of a woman. She was thin a cigarette in hand with people telling her she wasn’t allowed to smoke, but she continued anyways not giving a damn. Signing a piece of paper she chuckles turning to meet my eyes. That’s when I realized it was Constance.
            Everything was hitting me at once with my eyes slowly brimming with tears. I dropped all of the bags and box full of things from my arms running to hug Mrs. Langdon. She chuckles wrapping her free arm around me.

    Walking over to the car I grinned from ear to ear seeing Tate in the front seat a small smile on his lips. Adelaide in the back grinning and waving at me through the window of the car. After placing my things in the truck I hopped in the passenger seat with my now sister.

“Hi, Cherry.” she greeted giggling happily to herself. I gave her a smile of my own.

             I slowly looked forward as the car rode down the street I saw Tate staring at me from the rearview mirror. His gaze meeting my own. I winked making the boy who was now my brother smirk looking out of the window.

“You’re going to love our home.” Addie informed hopping up and down in her seat beside me. “There’s so many rooms, we could play hide and seek, Catch, and go fish.” she listed off excited. She slowly leans in as I do as well. “Tate cheats. Hiding the cards up his sleeves.” she whispers.

“I do not!” Tate exclaimed jokingly acting offended.

“Yeah, you do!’ she shot back.

“Quiet you two. Cherry has had a long day. There will be plenty of time to play games.” Constance spoke leaving the rest of car ride in silence.

“We’ll play later.” Addie quickly whispered returning to the silence.

    Arriving at the small sunshine yellow house that could almost be mistaken as a doll house sitting next to a larger house with a gothic and dark look to it.

Stepping out of the car I looked to the creepy house next to us. “We used to live there you know.” Tate whispered in my ear catching my attention.

“Really.” I grinned finding it interesting. “Cool, who lives there now?” I asked.

“A dude named Lawrence his wife and two daughters.” he informed.

“Tate, take Cherry’s bags in for her.” Constance ordered locking the car doors strutting inside with Addie following right behind her.

“She’s having an affair with him.” Tate sighs causing my brows to raise.

“So what’s the real reason she adopted me?” I asked. I’ve been in the system long enough to know that foster care wasn’t at all like the redhead Annie.

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