Chapter 3: Late night ride

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    In my room doing homework trying to get it out of the way to have my entire weekend free and to myself. Three other girls were awake while the rest were sleeping in their beds. Willow was reading a book while laying in bed, Frankie as on the far side of the room talking on the phone to her boyfriend twirling the curly cord attached to the wall as she talked, and Donna was doodling scribbles in her notebook while wearing her Walkman blaring music.

    They were my friends being the oldest girls here. Right in the middle of solving an equation I heard the sounds of something hitting the window next to me. I ignored the sounds the first few times before finally slamming my pencil onto my textbook. Stumping over to my window shoving it open to give whoever was making that noise a piece of my mind.

    Shoving my head out the window in the chill night air the words getting caught in my throat once my eyes laid on Tate. Smiling like a fool up at me his hands filled with pebbles.

“Who’s that?” Willow asked smiling as she saw Tate down below.

“Tate.” I gasped not really expecting him outside of my window on a Friday night.

“Wanna go for a ride.” he shouted. I snickered to myself seeing Donna and Frankie walk over.

“Who’s the cutie?” Frankie asked.

“Cherry’s boyfriend.” Willow answered excitedly making all of them gasp. I shushed them as they needed to stay quiet as the others were sleeping. That was all I needed. A herd of screaming hormone driven girls.

“You don’t have a car.” I pointed out. He smirked holding up and jingling a pair of keys in his hands.

“My mom went out with some douchebag and isn’t expected to return till morning.” he informed. I grinned biting my lip.

“You should go.” Frankie advised with a sly smirk.

“I think you should too.” Donna grinned.

“I can’t. I have homework.” I panicked with a half assed excuse causing Frankie to sigh shoving me out of the way sticking her head out of the window.

“She’ll be right down.” she called closing the window right before I heard an enthusiastic “Yes” coming from the boy below. I groaned seeing Frankie with her hands on her hips.

“Either you go out or I will.” she informed earning a look from the other two girls since she already had a boyfriend.

“Fine.” I mumbled. Giving in throwing on my warm coat and boots heading towards the front doors. I walked out running into Tate’s open arms greeting me with a warm hug. We both looked up to see the three girls yelling and waving out of the window. I groaned while Tate chuckles.

“Friends of yours?” he asks.

“Sadly yes.” I say not helping a smile to play at my lips. I waved turning back to the car.

“My lady?” he bowed opening the passenger door for me extending his hand for me to take like a gentleman. I curtsied lifting my imaginary dress while taking his hand stepping into the car waiting for him to join me. We drove to a drive thru feasting on our delicious junk with the view of the beach as our backdrop.

“Have you ever tried this before?” I asked dipping my French fries into his chocolate milkshake stuffing them into my mouth with a smile.

“Yes, but have you ever tried this?” he asked taking off his cheeseburger bun placing a layer of my fries onto the patty.

    I gasped “You’re a genius.” I said doing to same and moaning to the salty crispy taste on my tongue. I smiled wider to see Tate wipe away some sauce from my lips with his thumb licking it afterwards. The air was filled with comfortable silence. I watched the crashing waves and the moon on the horizon.

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