Chapter 4: Hidden Demons

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    I was walking down the stairs after an entire afternoon spending time with Tate. I haven’t met his mother since she’s almost never at home, but have been acquainted to his older sister Adelaide, and older brother Beauregard who was left chained in the attic all by his lonesome.
With my hand on the knob opening the front door to leave. I’m suddenly stopped by the light of a lamp turning on illuminating the living room. Turning my head towards the suddenly lit room to see Constance sitting in an armchair. Her thin body adorned by a silk dressing robe that was the color of red wine. It suited her with a cigarette in hand taking a long drag with the embers on the end of it flickering orange in the dull light. Exhaling the smoke from her mouth and nose as she stared straight into my soul. Reminding me of a dragon protecting her treasure. I guess her treasure was her son, but from Tate’s descriptions I didn't think she would care.

“Hello.” the woman greeted with no emotion in her words or even her face.

“I-I-I-I was just….um…” I babbled for at least a decent excuse only for my mind to go blank.

“I’m not here to burst your canoodling session with my son. I want to talk to you.” She explained inhaling her cigarette again. “Woman to woman.” she adds putting her cigarette out into an ashtray.

In the kitchen we sat at the table drinking tea.

“I got calls from Tate’s teachers saying he hasn’t been skipping his classes and actually participates.” she sighs smiling to herself while resting her hand under her chin. “I know it’s because of you.” she said. “He light’s up more than fireworks on the fourth of July when Adelaide mentions you.” She adds gesturing with her hands.

“I didn't do anything.” I denied shaking my head.

“Believe me. Men go above and beyond to impress a pretty lady.” she advises taking the empty tea cups placing them into the sink. Glancing up at the clock that hung on the wall above the sink. “It’s almost two in the morning. Won’t your parents be worried?” she asks seeing the time.

“I have no parents to upset.” I inform making her brows furrow. “Oh…” I exclaimed seeing that she didn’t know about my situation. “...I live in an orphanage.” I mumbled causing a sad sigh to leave her lips.

“How long have you been there?” she asks.

“Since I was seven. In and out of homes. I’m seventeen and will age out soon.” I shrugged. It wasn't full of rainbows and unicorns, but that was my life.

“Where would you go?” she then asks.

“Thanks for the tea, Mrs. Langdon.” I thank leaving the home. I hated explaining to people my life story because in the end there was nothing they could do. I bundled up walking down the block. Stopping and looking up just having a feeling that I was being watched. Looking to the top window with the lights on I saw Tate. Giving a small wave. I snickered to myself wondering how long he must have been waiting by his window for me to pass by. I returned the gesture continuing my walk home.


“I hate her!” Violet exclaimed furiously pacing the room while Tate sat in a chair while I stood behind it. Resting my arm across his shoulder. “I just want to kill her!” she finally spat out in anger.

“Then do it!” Tate encouraged from his seat. “One less high school bitch making the lives of the less fortunate more tolerable is, in my opinion, a public service.” he commented.

“Look, you want her to leave you alone? Stop making your life a living hell?” I spoke up watching the teen stop looking to me. “Short of killing her, there's only one solution. Scare her. Make her afraid of you. It's the only thing bullies react to.” I sighed knowing from first hand experience. My eyes wandering to my boyfriend’s head of golden locks.

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