Chapter 12: Dinner and a Show

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Cherry's Point of View

        Entering the back of the gun shop slipping in through the window while Tate distracted the old man who ran it. Asking different questions about each pistol, shotgun, and rifle. I began stuffing my backpack full of guns and boxes of bullets. Zipping up the bag I felt cold metal pressed against the back of my head.

“Stand up nice and slow.” the man told as I did so. Taking a small knife from my boot while doing so. “Hey Dad!” he shouted, but I quickly turned slicing his throat watching the gun drop from his limp fingers holding his throat that was gushing blood. I sighed lustily loving the feeling of warm blood on my skin watching him drop to his knees looking to me. I shoved his shoulder with my foot causing him to fall onto his back. I straddled his waist bringing the knife down into his chest again and again and again. Voices echoed in my head in euphoria. I grinned from ear to ear my hands sticky with blood standing up slinging the bag over my shoulder walked to the front to see Tate blowing the old man’s brains out. He turns as I put the bag onto the display case hopping over the glass case running right into my lovers open arms. He slammed his lips onto my own. Pulling back inspecting my blood covered face.

“I see you found his son.” he smiles. 

“He brought a gun to a knife fight against me.” I said. He pecked my lips 

“That’s my girl.” he grinned taking a few shotguns displayed on the walls. We walked back to the car driving home. 

        I took a shower washing off the blood not wanting to give Constance an excuse to put me in a padded cell. Closing my eyes letting the warm water gliding over my face through my hair and scalp I felt a chilled breeze of the curtain opening than closing. Continuing to wash my hair I felt two hands trailing up my sides cupping my breasts while resting their chin on my shoulder. Embracing me in his firm and loving hold. We just stood there in silence watching the water turn bright red than pink as is washed away all of the blood.

        After our wash we exited the bathroom to see our clothes laid out from us on the bed. A sweater and nice dress pants for Tate and a black church dress for me. 

“What’s all this.” I answered pointing to the clothes. 

“Constance wants us to have dinner with, Lawrence.” he scoffs. 

“Constance’s new play thing.” I said. 

“She just wants the house back.” he sighs beginning to get dressed.  

“His wife and two daughters burned alive there just a four days ago. It’s all just so messed up.” I say running a hand through my damp hair beginning to braid it. 

“Hey, hey.” Tate coos pulling me into his arms. “I might have something to take the edge off.” he whispers into my ear walking over to his desk pulling the contents of a baggie of white powder. 

“Where did you get that?” I questioned. 

“I know a guy.” he answered.

        Handing me a piece of paper he rolled up into a makeshift tube. Dividing the small pile of powder into lines I took mine while he took his. Being my first time doing drugs the effects came immediately. The sting in my nose making the inside of it itch causing me to make faces and sneezing. My head soon feeling light as a feather every word was like an hysterical joke. Tate helped dress me helping me mellow out a bit while chuckling about how he might have given me too much. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, the ham.” Constance announced walking into the dining room with a ham dressed with cherries and pineapple that was so colorful it looked to have come from a cartoon. 

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