Chapter 15: Epilogue

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Cherry’s POV:

          It’s been years since I took a scroll through the empty halls. Ever since the Harmons joined the dead they've made it their primary objective to scare any buyers of the house away. Which met ultimate boredom for me and the other spirits who like to have a bit of fun. Turning to corner deciding to go out into the backyard for some fresh air and pluck the petals of flowers that grew along the fence. Opening the door I was surprised to have a small boy falling onto my legs. 

“Oh!” I exclaim helping him stand up kneeling to his level. “Are you okay?” I ask dusting off his shorts and shirt looking at his face. His adorable chubby cheeks speckled with red. He smiled looking into my eyes with his sky blue ones. He giggled at I attempt to clean his cheeks the best I could with the cuff of my long sleeve sweater. I found myself playing with his short blonde hair cupping his face in my hands. 

“Will you be my, Mommy?” he asks in the softest of voices.

“Where’s your, Mommy?” I question stepping outside the back door looking left and right to see and hear no one who was missing their little boy.

“I don’t have one.” he answers with puppy dog eyes.

“What about your, Daddy.” I try kneeling to his level taking his small hands in mine.

“I don’t see him because of, Nana.” he answers sadly beginning to cry. I shushed him bringing him into my arms rubbing his back. 

“Where does you're Nana live?” I asked lifting him into my arms taking him to the kitchen. Placing him on the counter. I reached up to the cabinets for my secret stash of candy from previous Halloween handing one to him. He wipes his eyes with he hands taking the snickers bar from my hand nibbling at it. 

“So where is your, Nana?” I ask. 

“We live over there.” he spoke with a mouthful of caramel pointing. The house next door which was Constance's house. My eyes went wide as I pieced everything together. All of the features that this small boy possessed was of Tate. He was Tate’s son, the one he made with Vivian for me. My hand went to my mouth as silent tears trailed down my cheeks. 

“What’s wrong, Mommy.” he asks small brows furrowing with a tilt of his head.

“Why do you keep calling me that?” I exhale a shaky breath. 

“Because you are.” he answers as if it was written on my face.

He was the product of the living and death so he intuition and senses would be on a level higher than an average human. 

“Michael?” a voice called breaking the silence. 

“Daddy!” he exclaims making grabby hands towards the shaggy haired blonde. He lifts the boy into his arms resting him on his hip. 

“Aren’t you supposed to be with, Nana?” he asked.

“I ran away.” he defends with a pout. Which I found adorable poking out his lip crossing his arms.

“I can see that.” Tate sighs wiping the leftover red from Michael's cheeks. 

“Tate.” I breathed out trying not to have a mental breakdown.

He turned to me with a shy smile not knowing how I would react. I haven’t seen or talked to Tate in almost five years which was a drastic change since we would spend every waking hour together before his unfaithfulness.  

“Is that him?” I asked pointing with a shaky finger. 

“Yes, Cherry.” he grins. “Here’s our son.” he said.

“Mommy.” Michael called reaching out for me as I took him in my arms. 

“That’s right.” I chuckle kissing his cheek. He held onto me so tight as if I would fade away. “I’m your Mommy.” I laugh with happy tears trailing down my face. This was what I was missing from my never ending life. I glance up to Tate who watched us with love in his eyes.

“Did you kill someone?” Tate asks as we sat in the garden playing with the grass and wildflowers. Michael looks down. 

“You’re not in trouble.” I told lifting chin up so he was looking at us. 

“I killed the babysitter.” he mumbles.

“The babysitter.” I repeat looking to Tate who looked to me with the same expression. I didn’t know whether to be angry or proud that the boy was following in our footsteps. 

“Yeah.” he happily picks a pink daisy placing it in my hair. “Look Daddy, Mommy pretty.” he exclaimed clapping his hands.

“That she is.” Tate agreed placing another flower in my hair making me smile. 

“Michael!” a voice all, but screeches. 

“Come on, Michael.” Tate coos lifting the boy in his arms. “Time to go back to, Nana.” he sighs as I followed them into the house to see an aggravated Constance. 

“There you are.” she sighs in annoyance. “What I’m I going to do with you?” she mumbles under her breath. Tate places the boy onto the ground only for him to back away from Constance to holding onto my legs. 

“I want to stay with Mommy and Daddy.” he tightens his grip on my leg. 

The older woman sighs looking to Tate and I her lips forming a straight line.

“I have to clean up your mess so you can stay.” Constance gave in. “I want him promptly at five. Than I would think about having him visit more often.” she sighs. I could see the dark shadows under her eyes and the tired look that Michael was a hand full and taking it’s toll on her. 

“We will.” I answered kneeling to the boys height. “Say bye-bye to Nana.” I gestured waving my hand as he copies my gesture.

The End

Author's note: Liked what you've read. Consider buying me a coffee for just $1 at I've chosen to push myself and get my creativity out there. While... not literally becoming a starving artist. If money's tight no worries. You my humble reader spreading the love, commenting, and liking my work is appreciated enough.

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