Chapter 13: Letting Go

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Author's note: It's sad to see this story is almost over. I have two chapters left for this story and I'm planning on writing many others.

Cherry's POV:

          My eternal existence was now boring. The only entertainment was seeing Violet panic because of Tate's failed attempt to keep her suicide from her. Seeing her horrified expression as she tried to leave the house over and over again only to reappear back in the inescapable hell was priceless. I kept busy playing with Beau, Thaddeus, and having occasional talks with Nora. Anything to keep my mind off of Tate and his play thing, but that never stopped me from eavesdropping on their conversations. I stood in the doorway concealed from their eyes. Hearing that Chad and Patrick were setting up a nursery down the hall in hopes of stealing Vivian's miracle twins. Being one of the many surprises to me the other being that one of the babies were genetically Ben's while the other being Tate's.

My baby.

"What'd she say?" Tate asked looking towards Violet who entered the room after talking with Billie Dean Howard who was supposed to be some well known psychic. She was friends with Constance if I remembered correctly.

"We have to get something of his. Something important." she informed. "An heirloom or a ring. Like a talisman." she lists. "If we have the talisman and we do this special ritual, he'll be gone." she finished.

"That sounds like bullshit." the blonde commented turning away.

"Billie Dean's for real. She studies this stuff." she defends. "The bigger guy wears, like, a wedding ring, but I can't remember which hand it's on." she informs unsure.

"I don't trust her." Tate spat out louder than he had intended seeing his eyes widen at Violet jumping from his raised tone. "And why'd she say all that stuff about me?" he pointed out changing the subject matter. Violet looked away biting her lip fidgeting where she stood. "I did something bad, didn't I?" he guessed. Playing dumb to see if she knew the ugly, disgusting, dark side that he tried desperately to hide from her.

"Let's talk about it later. For now, you get the items and I'll keep watch." she instructs.

"Why do I have to do all of the hard work?" Tate objects.

"I've never stolen something before." she admits.

"And you think I have?" he clarifies offended.

I smiled. Trouble in paradise and the plane hasn't even left the runway.

"God, I'll do it." I groaned revealing myself leaning on the door frame. "I'll get Chad's watch that I've never seen him without. Always showing it off." I told. "Tate will get the ring from, Patrick." I pointed to the blonde looking him up and down. "He has a thing for the young ones." I mumbled seeing his brows raise catching him off guard. "And you just stand here and look pretty." I pointed to Violet with a fake grin on my face.

"Remember the plan. I'll get his watch and you get the ring." I stated quickly turning around only to have my wrist grabbed.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Tate asked turning me to face him.

"I don't know?" I shrugged. "Use some of that boyish charm..." I whispered " worked on me." I add. He nods smirking a bit as we went our separate ways to retrieve the relics. I opened the door seeing Chad cutting another squash into an animal stamp. I quietly strolled over leaning over his shoulder at the animal that looked like a giraffe. "How adorable." I cooed into his ear. He quickly turned his knife in hand nicking my throat. I didn't flinch, but only smiled as he stood eyeing me with pure disgust.

"Get away from me! You insane, bitch." he demanded. I rolled my eyes wiping the blood from my wound looking to my fingers that were stained red. My eyes shifted again to meet his sticking my fingers into my mouth to clean.

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