Chapter 8: Breakfast club of the dead

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Author's note: Thanks for the reads and the love. Enjoy!


        It was somber night knowing that in the morning we would be trapped within the house we’ve lived in for almost three decades again trapped for 364 days until next Halloween, but I was willing to make the best of the time we had. I laid out a blanket smoothing out the wrinkles sitting cross legged rubbing my bare hands together. The October chill getting to me. I smiled watching him build a fire dragging logs throwing them into the bright orange flames that highlighted his features handsomely. I bit my bottom lip as he looked so manly picking up the pieces of wood with ease standing inches from the flames unafraid of the intense heat. He peered over the flames licking at the air to me with the look of lust in his dark eyes. I scooted across the blanket patting the place next to me for him to sit.
    It didn't take long before the dirty blonde to pounce hovering above me kissing me passionately leaving us both breathless. I gasped the air getting stuck in my lungs as he placed hot kisses in the crook of my neck while I raked my fingers through his hair. Trailing my hand up his arms down his chest placing the palm of my hand onto his crotch. I could feel his erect member through the thick fabric of his jeans. A shutter left my throat removing his face from my neck that was most likely covered in teeth marks and hickeys. He looks into my eyes as I did his. An emotion pooled in his eyes that I couldn’t read.

“Not in the mood?” I assumed seeing him hesitant.

“Cherry, I swear... I want to be with you so badly.” he informed allowing me to sit up as he sat beside me looking angrily out into the crushing and rolling waves. “I just... Maybe it's those meds Ben gave me they do that, you know.” he informed trying to convince himself more than me. I looped my arm with his rubbing my face into his shoulder looking out into the water.

“Even though the snake in your pants is telling a different story it’s okay. I’m mean we bang each others brains out almost everyday.” I snickered making a smile appear on my boyfriend’s face showing off those beloved dimples that I loved.

“You’re too good to me.” he cooed placing a kiss on the tip of my nose.

We just sat there enjoying the waters to the peaceful noises of the crackling fire and the crashing waves. A view to literally die for.

“Remember we used to come here... when the world closed in and got so small I couldn't breathe. I'd look out at the ocean, and I'd think...Yo, douche bag, high school counts for jack shit." he reminisced as I listened. I eyelids growing heavy listening to his voice. “Kurt Cobain, Quentin Tarantino, Brando, De Niro, Pacino... all high school dropouts.” he listed. “I... hated high school. So I'd come here and I'd look out at this vast, limitless expanse. Then it's like, that's your life, man. You can do anything, be anything. Screw high school. That's... It's just a blip in your timeline.” he ranted looking down at me as I looked up opening my brown eyes looking into his. This was the side of Tate only I saw. “Don't get stuck there...” he was cut off by a twig snapping behind us.

“There's someone here.” I informed turning around trying to spot the intruder through the darkness spotting only outlines of more than one person. Tate quickly grabbed hold of my wrist as we saw the dark figures step into the light seeing that they were very familiar. “Just follow me lead.” he whispered into me ear. We bumped into the murdered teens before during Halloween and would usually scare them away by playing dumb or just utterly insane which was always a crowd pleaser and did the trick. I remembered all of their names even to this day.

    Kyle Greenwell the jock who joined his team in making Tate’s and I high school days a living hell. He was usually the follower being kind when his teammates weren’t around which made his despicable acts worse. Chloe Stapleton the cheerleader who had a sickening crush on Kyle seeking his attention every second of the day. She was the one who came up with my famous nickname the Ugly Duckling. Kevin Gedman the punk who seemed to think if you tell a girl that your in a band she’ll drop her panties for you. He tried to get me to sleep with him a few times not seeming to understand the word no so I showed him the meaning with a kick to the crotch. Stephanie Boggs the goth she just mopped and liked sad all the time just begging for the sweet release of death which we gifted her with. Lastly Amir Stanley the nerd sadly he was the only person I felt sad had to die. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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