Chapter 7: Tricks and Treats

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You’re weak!



No wonder your baby died. You could never be a mother.

No one loves you.

“SHUT UP!” I screamed pounding my fists onto the sides of my head. I cried falling to my knees trying to block the voices out. On good days I have grown to ignore them. Where they were mere whispers, but on bad days it was like they were screaming into my ear. That was the only downside to being a ghost. Even in death I could never escape the voices the tormented me.

“Shhhh.” a calming voice cooed strong arms wrapping around me. I clung to the sweater of the only person I’ve ever loved and felt the same love in return. “Are the voices loud?” he asked. I couldn't bare to give an answer resorting to just a nod burying my face into his chest while he raked his fingers through my hair.

“Do you hear that?” I asked my sobbing suddenly halting. A high pitched cries met my ears catching my attention causing me to breakout from Tate’s embrace looking around.

“Hear what?” he asks brows furrowed in confusion.

“A baby.” I answered looking around the room following the ear piercing cries.

Tate’s POV:

I sighed sadly following Cherry upstairs entering a room where she cradled a bundle of blankets in her arms. She cooed and giggled with glee looking up to me.

“I found him all alone up here.” she informed. “Can we keep him.” she asked looking to the bundle of blankets.

“Of course.” I answered placing a believable smile on my face to cover the wound that never healed in my heart. Cherry grinned looking back to her “baby” rocking it from side to side humming a tune.

Her episodes were becoming more frequent. The voices that would render her immobile and inconsolable that it broke my heart to see her in such a state of detachment from the real world. When she was deep within her hallucinations there was no pulling her out of it. I remember losing my temper when she held onto the belief that the baby we lost all those years ago was a rolled up towel. Telling me to hold him. Her screams when I slapped the cloth from her arms. She didn't speak to me for twos days which is when she was usually brought back to reality. I planned to make her better. Anyway I knew how.

Cherry’s POV:

“What are you doing?” I asked entering the dining room to see a man in a black rubber suit which I knew was Tate. He took off the mask part breathing heavily while I looked to a dead Chad and Patrick who were the gay couple that owned the house.

“I tried with them.” he informed voice cracking a bit. “They were going to have a baby and I was going to give it to you.” he finished blinking away the tears. I reached into the tub of water retrieving an apple stepping over Chad’s body taking a bite of the bright red fruit. “But they were fighting and wasn't going to get one anymore.” he babbled his words slurring together because of his sobs. I wiped his cheeks with my sleeve and he sniffled looking into my eyes. I could never understand why or how he puts up with me. My various foster parents couldn’t handle me during my trips which ended in me being forced to deal with the voices on my own.

“You tried and that’s all that matters.” I told. He slowly nods. Taking another bite from the fruit looking to the two dead men. I exhaled a breath knowing we have some cleaning up to do. “Come on…” I said with my mouthful “...I’ll help you clean up.” I offered extending my hand for him to take. Feeling the smooth rubber of the suit encasing his hand meeting my own.

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