Chapter 10: Open House

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“Looking for something?” I questioned appearing in the doorway of the bathroom where. Tate’s eyes were as wide as saucers to find the bathtub empty. He was looking for Violet's body since her spirit haven't awaken yet he planned to clean up our mess of a situation.

“This isn't funny, Cher.” He told.

“Not to you maybe, but too me it's going to be hysterical when I show her.” I told. Quickly leaving the room with Tate running right after me.

“Where is it?” He yelled from behind me.

“Like I'd tell you!” I shouted back. I grabbed hold of the door to the dead girl’s bedroom only to be yanked away by Tate. From the brute force alone I was thrown away from the door tumbling over the banister.

The deafening thud of my entire body left all of my sense numb. I couldn't move anything feeling from everything being broken. I heard Tate’s rushing feet quickly appearing next to me. He kneeled to check me over, but froze as I involuntarily flinched away from his touch.

“Her body's in the crawl space.” I whimpered. “Everything hurts.” I begin to cry finding it hard to swallow the lump in my throat. “I promise to be good.” I spoke my world fading. “I promise, dad.” I trailed off before disappearing.

Third person point of view:

          Tate felt sick to his stomach. He knew that Cherry would come back good as knew which was the only good side to being a ghost, but it was what she called him. In her haze she called him Dad. He reminded hearing her horrible stories of her foster parents. Her second foster father who would beat her not knowing how to deal with a child with schizophrenia before giving her back to the orphanage. Broken beyond repair.

          In search for answers hearing from members of murder house that the Harmons were trying to sell the house. Real shocker, but has an intrested buyer with plans to tear it down. With every trapped soul having no where else to go. Constance climbs the stair case coming to the final step her attention is stolen by a voice. Following the source of the pleas for help the older woman comes to a door pushing it open. Gasping to see Cherry on the hard wood floor kicking and screaming incoherently against the weight of an unknown force.

“You killed my baby! You killed him!” Cherry screamed insanely. Constance grabbed the teen’s wrists pinning her to the floor as she kicked and screamed for someone to help her. “She murdered him and I didn’t even get to feel him kick.” she sobbed hysterically. With tears in her own eyes the older woman tries to quiet Cherry’s screams. Finding all of her attempts useless she brings up her hand before bringing it across her face. She slaps Cherry hard gasping from surprising herself of how much force she didn't intend to use. Getting off the girl who didn't move or make a sound. Her head slowly moving to face where Constance was.

“I lost it again didn’t I?” she asks emotionlessly wincing as she slowly sits up touching her tender cheek. “Did you slap me?” she asks opening and closing her jaw with minor difficulties.

“I didn’t mean to.” the older woman informs.

“You liked it.” she grins standing up stumbling on her unstable legs. “You’re lucky I can’t find it in me to careless.” she sighs walking to leave the room.

“I want to ask you something?” Constance says following the teen.

“Doesn’t mean I’ll answer.” she replies over her shoulder.

“Is Dr. Harmon helping, Tate?” she asks causing Cherry to halt before walking down the stairs.

“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” Cherry throws back crossing her arms.  “Good news him and I are done.” she informed. Constance’s eyes goes wide with raised brows. “Don't act all surprised you were driving a wedge between us since the very beginning.” Cherry reminded.  

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