Chapter 11: Where's My Baby?

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“Where’s my baby?” Nora sniffles and cries as I follow the sounds. Pushing the creaky door the rusty hinges squealing from the movement. Nora’s sobbing stops as she looks to me. My eyes red and puffy like hers. “There you are.” she exclaims jumping up to collect me in her arms. “I’ve been worried sick about you.” she scolds holding me face in her hands squishing my cheeks. “Where’s Tate?” she asks.

I inwardly groaned the name bring me pain. Ever since we died Tate introduced me to Nora who was the wife of the husband who built the Murder House and was the start to the house’s unsettling history. She had saved Tate from Thaddeus when he was just a small boy. He looked to her as his mother over Constance who was nothing, but a stranger. We would comfort her when she was having her episodes of repeatedly looking for her baby Thaddeus who was abducted from his own crib and dismembered. Dr. Montgomery who was nicknamed Frankenstein by me brought the baby boy back to life. A bloodthirsty creature the spirits called Infantata. Not wanting to break she heart over and over telling her life which she forget the next day we told her that we could be her pretend children. It seemed to have worked she kissed our cheeks, lifting us up when we were down, and just being there when we felt all alone.

“I hate him!” I yelled. Nora looked to me with her eyes wide with surprise. “I hate him, I hate him I hate…” I trailed off into sobs crumbling to my knees while Nora lowered me to the ground along with her.

“Don’t say that.” she cooed rubbing my head as I clung to her shawl.

“But I do.” I assured.

Third Person POV:

“Aw.” Hayden cooed sarcastically from her place by the doorway. “Look at Little Lord Fauntleroy. Writing sorrowful sonnets in your head to that little nightingale bitch?” she taunted walking over to him.  "Adieu, nightingale. Thy plaintive anthem fades." she recited

“That's Keats.” Tate corrected.

“Who gives a shit? You're like a girl, sulking down here in the basement instead of doing something about what's really bothering you.” she changed the subject.

“I'm tired of hurting people.” he admitted.

“Do you want her to go away? 'Cause Vivien booked their tickets.” Hayden informed. “I heard her. You know what you have to do.” she assumes.

“Yeah, I do.” Tate answered coldly. “I just have to prepare myself.” he told zoning out again biting the skin on his thumb. “It's not fun.” he mumbled.

“You want to fool around while you work your way up to it? Come on.” she propositions bring her leg over so that she straddled his lap kicking the box that kept his legs propped up causing him to fall forward almost face planting into her chest.

“I'm not into it.” he shakes his head exhaling a breath through his nose.

“What is it about being dead that makes me so horny?” she admits sultrily.

“Quit it.” Tate repeated sternly his hand grabbing her throat as he stand pushing her away from him “I’m in love.” he informed.

Hayden gags spitting up blood. Her face scrunched up in pain. Letting her go as she falls to the ground revealing Cherry who must have appeared behind her. A bloody metal shard in her hand. She throws the bloodied weapon to the ground looking at Tate who looked to her. Her expression was unreadable while Tate’s was like an open book. Turning to walk away Tate quickly grabs Cherry’s arm, but she continues to look away from him even when he pulled her into his arms she fought to get out of them. The one place she said she felt safe in now was the one place she despised. Getting free she gives him a good backhand across the face causing him to stumble back a couple steps.

“You can’t have both!” she screamed. “In love?” she repeat his words making a face of pure horror and disgust. “You’ve known her how long Tate?” she questions. “We’ve been together for thirty years. We died together.” The teen listed unable to comprehend that everything that they went through meant nothing.

“She’s different and understands me.” he told turning to walk back to his thinking spot on a create in a corner.

“She doesn't know you.” she shot down.

“She does.” he disagreed.

“She knows the you that you’re pretending to be.” Cherry corrected looking into his eyes. “The false imitation.” she chuckles humorlessly. “If you tell her the you that’s dark, morbid, and the down right psychopathic that I grew to love. She’ll leave you.” she told. He looks to her with cold eyes. “I’ll wait for you to come groveling back to me. When she runs away from the ugly monster that you are.” she finishes.

“You’re wrong!” he screams into her face slamming her to the wall by her shoulders.

“Did you tell her that she’s dead?” she gasped out seeing the blank expression being all the answer she needed from him. “She might forgive you for keeping her death from her, but she’ll never forgive what you did to her mother.” reaching into her pocket for her knife moving her arm. He flitches back letting her go. He looks to her with a hand covering his cheek that was bleeding.

“I’ll join you in making the Harmons and my child stay.” she panted. “But I’m doing this for me and not for you. You and her can rot for all I care.” Cherry spat stomping out of the room disappearing around the corner.

Cherry’s POV:

“Mrs. Harmon.” I called letting my voice echo through the room. I waited in the bathroom watching the woman slowly walk in seeing me standing in the middle of it.

“Cherry what are you…” she trailed off walking over to me.

“I don’t feel so good.” I told swaying from side to side as if I might faint. I coughed as she took me into her arms holding a hand to my forehead. I close my eyes taking in her warmth letting black ooze leak from my eyes and mouth in a never ending stream. She screams scrambling away from me.

“I’m dreaming! I’m dreaming!” she tells herself.

“This isn’t a dream…” I cackled. “’s a living nightmare.” I distorted my voice causing her to run out of the bathroom in horror. Wiping my mouth I sighed. I liked Mrs. Harmon, but I wasn’t going to fail this time. Hearing a scuffle concluding it to be Tate I took a seat on the edge of the bathtub hearing Vivian’s screams and the surprising sound of a gunshot.  Looking to the side of me to see Tate in his skin tight rubber suit I merely ignore him as he waited for his cue. Waiting in silence to send Vivian over the edge.

“Wake up!” Hayden yelled waking a drugged Vivian who searched the empty night side. “Looking for your lifeline?” Hayden asked holding the emergency call remote throwing it onto the floor stomping it to pieces.

“Hayden- Hayden, Ben and I are separated.” the woman slurred trying to calm the situation. “You can have him all to yourself.” she offered.

“I don't want him. He's pathetic.” Hayden replied.

“I know. I agree. He is pathetic.” Vivian mindlessly agreed.

“And he's an asshole.” Hayden added.

“And he is an asshole.” Vivian repeated having trouble keeping her head up and her eyes from drooping closed. “He's hurt us both very badly, so- So you should leave it- just leave it alone.” Vivian pleaded.

“Can't, Viv.” Hayden declined the offer. “I used to think I was so privileged. White, beautiful, educated, but I've been deprived. I have needs- terrible, gnawing needs.” Hayden explained.

“What do you want?” Mrs. Harmon asked.

“We want what's in your womb.” Hayden grinned insanely.

“We?” Vivian questioned furrowed her brows.

“I lost mine before it was even born.” I appeared next to Vivian here was some much drugs in her system that she reactions when greatly delayed. “I just want to fill the hole that’s g=be festering in my heart.” I said sadly.

“That's sick. You're sick.” Vivian commented.

“No. we’re dead. Dead! DEAD!” Hayden screamed.

“And I have a surprise for you.” Hayden smiled and I appeared next to her looking to the shadows. “The father of your babies. he's right there.” I spoke watching the rubber man pounce onto Vivian who attempts to crawl away from her. I didn't want to see as he forced himself onto her. I vanished appearing in the basement. Taking a seat in the far corner between a shelf and boxes placing both my hands over my ears closing my eyes. Blocking out the world that was a-



Horror show.

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