Chatper 14: Taste of Your Own Medicine

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Cherry’s POV:

Walking into the bedroom seeing the boy around my age unpacking boxes. The door creaks startling the boy who drops his box looking to me.

“Hi, you’re parents said that it was okay to come up and meet you. I’m sorry I should have knocked, but…” I apologize frantically turning to leave. 

“No, it's okay.” he waves off stopping me from leaving the room. 

“I’m Gabe.” he introduces. 

“Cherry, I live just a few houses down.” I replied shaking his hand. “I made a pie the best around.” I said holding out a plate holding a generous slice of cherry pie.

“Really?” he smiles taking it. 

“Well that’s what my mom always said. It just might be mediocre.” I shrugged as we chuckled.

We sat talking about school and our hobbies and it turned out we had a lot in common.

“Do you have a boyfriend.” he asked bashfully.

“No.” I answered. “Why?” I asked with a smirked titling my head.

“Just wanted to know.” he waves off. 
“I’m just going through a lot and just want a friend right now.” I tried to explain with a small frown. “It seems that nothing is going right in my life.” I sighed.

“Hey, it gets better trust me.” he coos placing a hand on my shoulder. I slowly hugged him as he let’s me sighing at the warmth I missed. “You’re ice cold.” he comments rubbing my back to harm me up. 

“I’m always cold.” I admit. The feeling of eyes burning in my skull causes me to slowly look up at see Tate standing in the doorway with an angry expression on his face. “Thank you for being so nice to me.” I thanked smirking evilly at Tate wanting to make him feel the pain he made me feel. Burying my face further into the crook of Gabe’s shoulder.

Third person POV:

“What were you dreaming about?” Tate asks sitting at the foot of Gabe’s bed in the darkness. The only light being the street lamps outside peeking through the window blinds. A stripe of light making only his eyes and mouth visible leaving everything else unclear.

“Shit!” the teenage boy exclaimed scrambling from his blankets to see the stranger in black. Feet propped up sitting has if he owned the place. Technically he did.

“Bet I know.” Tate guessed a small smile on his lips, but it was quickly wiped away. “I'd dream about her, too, if I could dream.” he chuckled softly thinking of the happy times and how right Cherry was. “I don't think I do anymore.” He says in realization.

“The hell? Who are you? What are you doing in my room?” Gabe demands. 

“This used to be my room.” Tate snaps matter of fact. “Then she came and we shared it.” he adds fiddling with his hair a smile playing on his lips again. He never realized how many times he smiled when thinking of her. 

“What are you talking about?” Gabe questioned confused.

“Cherry.” Tate answered eyes shining with tears. “She was my girlfriend.” he said voice and face void of any and all emotion.

“The pretty girl?” he asked remembering.

“What do you mean by pretty?” Tate suddenly becomes angry.

“She seemed really cool. Nothing happened.” the teen said making sure to emphasize on Nothing. “She didn't say she had a boyfriend.” he informs truthfully. 

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