Chapter 6: Cupcake

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Author's Note: Thank you for the love and the reads which encourages me to upload more chapters. Enjoy!

Third Person POV:

“Mom?” Tate called standing in the doorway of the living room where the woman laid. Slowly waking up from the sounds of her son’s call. It’s been ages since he called her mom which meant something was very wrong. Sitting up Constance rubbed her temple trying to calm the pounding hangover that punished her from having too much to drink the previous night.

“What is it dear?” she mumbled. Since he was being nice it was only fair if she’d returned it.

“I have something to tell you.” he informed seating on the wooden coffee table across from his mother who hung her head feeling as though it weighed a thousand pounds.

“Mom.” he spoke softly taking her hands in his. She slowly lifts her head up looking into her son's beautiful brown eyes. She had forgotten how beautiful they actually were. “Promise that you won't freak out.” he instructed.

“What is it? Were you expelled?” she snorts snickering to herself.

Tate chuckles shaking his head.

“No, I want to drop out and get a job.” he explained. Constance brows furrowed in confusion.

“What on earth for?” she asked.

“To support Cherry and...the baby.” he answered looking down. The older woman slowly sits up straight slipping her hands out of her son’s hold. “She’s pregnant mom and I want to do the right thing and be the father I never had.” he whispered out the last part with slight venom.

“No, son of mine will have a baby out of wedlock.” she growled eyes cold having no soul.

“Sucks to be you. I get to decide what’s best for me and my family for now on.” he snarled through gritted teeth. Standing abruptly exiting the room fuming.

Standing in the kitchen Constance hums while stirring a bowl of chocolate cake batter. Rummaging through the cabinet for her secret ingredient. Eyes lying upon a bottle of Ipecac syrup. She eyes the bottle contemplating the option of turning back, but she unscrews the top pouring the entire bottle into the batter.

A little while later Constance knocks on the door to Cherry’s room who was curled up in her bed.

“Are you resting?” she asked holding a chocolate cupcake decorated with colorful sprinkles.

“Yeah just been feeling sick that’s all.” the teenage girl waved off sitting up resting her back on the headboard.

Walking over to her bed Constance took a seat patting her step daughter’s leg.

“Tate’s told me about the little bun in your oven.” she smiled.

“I didn’t want him making any rash decisions. You have every right to be angry with him…” Cherry trailed off silencing seeing Constance holding her hand up.  

“Water under a bridge.” she cooed.

“Really? The way Tate described it, it sounded like you were furious.” Cherry admitted.

“Here I made it as a peace offering.” she grinned holding the girl then cupcake.

“I really shouldn’t.” she pointed out the dessert taunting her. “I guess one tiny bite won't hurt.” she shrugged taking bite getting chocolate frosting on her nose and cheeks. The two giggled Constance wiping off the frosting from the girl’s nose.

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