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I walk into the lunchroom and head to my normal seat. And I see my best friend in the whole entire world, Jordan.

She smiles at me. "Hey Faith! Why didn't you talk to me during ballet?"

"You know why."

"Oh... you saw, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. Don't talk to me again. I hope you two have fun together." I bite my lip to keep from crying and walk to an empty table. I sit down and take a deep, shaky breath.

I sound like a little kid, but I need my mom right now. She would help me through all of this. Even though she kinda freaked out and ranted about how much she hates Grayson when I told her.

I look up and smile as Claire sits next to me.

"I'm not leaving you like Maddy and Jordan." She says.

"Thank you."

"I honestly think you and Shawn make a seriously cute couple. The fandom is going crazy over it, calling you guys Fawn."

I laugh a bit. "That's a good name."

"Did Emily flip when you told her?"

I laugh again. "Yeah. She told James, and she made James fight him. James ended up with a black eye, but it was worth it, he said."

"Your friends sound awesome."

"Yeah, they are."

"Will you be heading home next week? Or staying?"

Every few weeks, we get to go home for a week. Or, you may stay and do extra credit work, since they still make you do math and science and etc.

"I'll be going home."

She nods. "Me too."


I hug Claire good bye then we walk off to our own plane waiting areas. I sit down and plug in my ear buds, turning on Shawn's album.

As I listen to Never Be Alone, I look through all of me and Grayson's pictures. Instead of deleting them, I put them in an album called 'For Later'. Because I know I can get him back. I will get him back.

On the plane, I sit next to a lady. And that's when I realize who it is.

"Sherry?" I ask.

She turns her head and looks at me. "Faith!" She smiles. "I haven't seen you in awhile. How's dance?"

"It's great... what are you doing here?"


"Right." I smile. "How've you been?"

"Good, really good. You?"

"You didn't hear, did you?" I ask.

"Hear what?"

I pull up the picture of Grayson and Jordan and show her.

"Oh my..." Sherry says. "I'm so sorry. He doesn't know how to respect girls."

"It's... fine. It's because I found my way friend from elementary school, who's a famous guy. Don't tell anyone, but I've only started dating Shawn to make Grayson jealous."

"Ooh, he's gonna get mad. What does Shawn look like?"

I show her the pictures I showed Emily, and one of me and Shawn hugging, the one that drove the internet insane.

"Whoa, he's a cutie. I can see why Grayson got jealous."

I laugh and nod then put my phone away in my pocket.

"I really miss Grayson." I say. "But it doesn't help he cheated on me with my best friend."

"That's awful."

"Agreed. But other than that, I've been fine. I've all A's, and the teachers like me."

"I'm glad."

Sherry and I talk and gossip the whole flight home. She offers to drive me home, but I thank her and just take my own car.

When I walk in, Emily and my mom tackle me in a hug onto the couch.

"We missed you!" They yell.

I laugh and shove them off me. "I missed you guys too."

"I hope Grayson goes to hell." My mom says.

I laugh and shake my head. "I'll get him back. Me and Shawn are dating to make him jealous."

"Who's Shawn?" My mom asks.

"A cute guy." Emily says.

"Remember Shawn? From elementary?"

My mom gasps. "That Shawn?! No way!"

"Yes way. He's become famous."

"That's so cool. You have to bring him over."

"His tour ends today, so I could ask if he could fly down here."

"Please do."

There's a knock at the door, and I walk over to get it. I feel my stomach tighten.

His eyes widen. "Oh... you're home..."

"Yes I am. Why are you here?"

"To get my stuff from your room."

I nod. "Follow me. I already brought the stuff from Durham home, so here." I toss him a bag then head upstairs, Grayson following.

He stands in the doorway as I pull his hoodies, shirts, shorts, socks, hats, and jackets from my closet. I put them all in a box then hand them that.

"Just a few more things." I say. He nods awkwardly.

I grab his shampoo and extra toothbrush from the bathroom. I grab every framed picture of us and throw it in the trash, hearing the glass shatter along with my heart, hearing Grayson gasp quietly.

I put every single item he's given me in another box and place it on top of the other box that sits in his hands.

He follows me downstairs and I open the door for him. "Go." I say. "Shawn will be here soon, and I know you don't wanna see him."

Grayson nods. "Good bye, Faith."


He licks his lips, still staring at me for a few more seconds, then walks out the door.

When I close the door, I slink down against it onto the floor and sob into my knees.

I feel Emily and my mom pick me up by my arms and tightly hug him.

"I want him back." I cry. "That's all I want."

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