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"David! Dad is home!"

He dashes down the stairs. "Tell me!"

"Nice to see you too, David." Owen says.

I go on my tip toes and whisper in Owen's ear. "I'm gonna tell him about Grayson and Scarlett."

"What?" Owen says.

I nod, then sit on the couch with David, Owen plopping down beside me.

"I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. Owen is not your father."

David's jaw drops. "Wait... I... then... but... who is?"

"Grayson Allen."

"Nice joke."

"I'm serious."

David scratches his head. "You sure?"


"Why would Grayson wanna have sex with you?"

"Shut up."

"So that's why you hate watching his games."

I nod.


"And there's one more thing."

David raises an eyebrow.

"You've a twin sister."

Grayson's POV

Scarlett squeals and jumps up and down. "No freaking way!!"

I chuckle and nod. "Yes freaking way."

"I can't believe the Faith Rose is my mom!! That's amazing!!"

Jackie looks down and sighs, making Scarlett calm down.

"I'm sorry, mo-" she stops herself. "Jackie. Whoa! That's weird."

I rub Jackie's back. "And... you've a twin brother."


"David. He lives with your mom and her husband. You're gonna meet him at the recital next week."

"You're actually taking me?!" She smiles.


"This is the craziest birthday ever!" She hugs me tightly.

"I know, I know."

Scarlett then hugs Jackie. "Thank you for being my 'mom' as I grew up. Thank you for making dad smile when Fai- mom couldn't."

Jackie smiles. "My pleasure."

Faith's POV

I button up one of Owen's old shirts and pull on my tights. As Owen is brushing his teeth and I'm doing my hair into a bun, David comes running in.

"When can we go?! Hurry up!"

"You may wait a few more minutes." I say.

"But moooom."

"I can leave you here."

"Take your time! Love you!" He walks back out and I roll my eyes with a smile.

Owen spits into the sink then wipes his mouth. "You ready to see Scarlett?"

"I'm nervous. What if she hates me for letting Grayson take her?"

He wraps his arms around my waist from behind me as I do my makeup. "I assure you that she doesn't hate you."

"I guess. But I'm mostly nervous to see Grayson."

"That son of a bitch?"

"Sherry is amazing."

"Sorry. That douche?"


"I'll stay by your side the whole time."

I peck his lips. "Good. Now let's go." I grab my dance bag and costume then walk downstairs. David is already in the car, surprise, surprise.

I look in the backseat as Owen drives to see David scratching his ear, his habit for when he's nervous. I hold his hand and smile.

"You excited?" I ask.

He nods with a smile.

"Good." I give his hand a squeeze then let go and fiddle with my hands, my habit for when I'm nervous.

When we finally get to the spot after what seems like hours, Owen and David wait outside the building as I quickly put my stuff away. I run back out to see Grayson's familiar jeep driving in.

That Jeep where so much love was made by us. The dork couldn't get a new one, huh?

David stiffens up and I rub his back. I say, "Don't be nervous."

I see Grayson's tall figure step out of the car, and a pretty girl holds his hand as they walk to us.

That should be my hand.

"Um..." He says. "Scarlett just needs one more second in the car."

I nod.

Grayson looks down at David and drops Jackie's hand. "Hey, bud." He says.

"Hey, dad." David shakes his hand.

I'm not gonna lie, I expected tears and hugs and kisses, but like father like son, I guess.

Then my beautiful little girl gets out of the car and starts walking towards us.

"She's grown so much." I say.

"Yeah... the boys at school are all over her. I hate it." Gray says.

I let out a small laugh. "Of course you do."

Scarlett and David stare at each other for a few seconds, but suddenly hug tightly.

They both pull away and smile.

"You look like mom!" David says.

"You look like dad!" Scarlett says.

"I'm taller!" David says.

"What? No way!"

"Yes way!"

I laugh as they stand back to back. And David was right. He's an inch taller.

"That's so unfair." Scarlett says.

David shrugs. "Mom is short. You get it from her."

"Rude." I say. Scarlett turns to me and smiles.

"Hi!" She says.

I smile as well. "Hi. Listen, I'm so sorry I let your crazy dad take you away from me and David when you guys were two. It was so dumb of him, I should've stopped him."

Scarlett laughs. "Mom, it's okay. Dad is always crazy."

Grayson rolls his eyes and I giggle.

"Plus," she says. "I'm just glad I get to see you now. Especially to see your Recital."

I hug her. "I always wanted a dancer."

"Well, you've got one." Scarlett says, smiling up at me once we pull away from the hug.

"And a good one, too!" Jackie says. "She is the best ballerina in the class."

"Glad to hear." I give a smile to her. Trust me, I wanna go crazy. But I have to be nice to Grayson's wife and the woman who took care of my daughter when I couldn't.

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