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I wake up and slam down my fist onto my alarm clock. I walk into the bathroom and pull a brush through my hair.

I pull on my yarn bracelet I made in sixth grade and grab for my ring Grayson gave me on my birthday.

It's not there.

My eyes widen and I search all through my room and bathroom. I then search the kitchen and living room, even through the couch cushions, but it's not there.

I know it's not in my office, because I take it off before going there.

Grayson is gonna kill me.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot!" I mutter to myself.

I glance at the clock and see I have to get dressed. Hopefully Grayson just won't realize I lost the ring..?

I quickly slip on jeans, Grayson's hoodie from Providence, converse, then quickly head to class.

I nervously tap my pencil against my paper as the professor talks, and think instead of taking notes, knowing Emily will recite them to me later.

Maybe Grayson will understand? I mean, he did lose the pencil I let him borrow... pencils aren't diamond rings, but still.

I liked that pencil. It had donuts on it.

I grimace at thinking of what he would do if he found out. It would start with questioning, then yelling, then a tantrum, smashing something on the floor, then leaving with a red face. We've only done that a few times, but it was super scary.

People clicking their binders and standing interferes with my thoughts, so I quickly do the same then run over to Emily, walking with her to our next class.

"Hey! I didn't see you this morning. You okay?" She asks.

I sigh. "Don't tell anyone this, alright?"

"I promise."

"IlosttheringGraysongavemeformybirthday." I say in a fast pace.

"Slow down, Faith. What happened?"

"I lost the ring Grayson gave me for my birthday."

"Oh, gosh. Warn me so I can get out when he finds out."

"He's gonna kill me!" I proclaim.


And then, Grayson walks up to us. "Hey baby!" He says, kissing my forehead.


"I'm so happy! Nothing could ever ruin my day!"

I glare at Emily when she snorts. "What has you this happy?" I ask.

"...It's our second anniversary of meeting. November 31st."

I smile. "Yeah dude! That's gotten me stoked too!"

"Oh, thought you forgot for a sec. Well, we are gonna go off campus to a fancy restaurant, and I'm gonna give you something."

"Aw, I can't wait. When shall we head to that fancy restaurant?"


I nod and kiss him. "I love you, Gray."

"I love you, too." Grayson winks then heads off.

"You got lucky there." Emily says.



Emily adjusts my red dress, which has long sleeves, is tight at the waist, and then flowy until my knees.

She pulls my wavy hair into a high ponytail then double knots my white converse.

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