Alternate Ending 1-The Ewoks

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Hi there.

So since I'm such a terribly indecisive person I'll be releasing two alternate endings to this story before the actual actual ending, which is basically the epilogue. In this one, Kylo never quite gets over the fact that Rey and Finn kiss and he leaves the Resistance shortly after their defeat of Snoke. Rey stays and, over time, develops romantic feelings for Finn. However, their relationship doesn't work out. Rey goes with Finn on a diplomatic mission to Endor where they meet with the Ewok Council to request military assistance against a rising league of bounty hunters.


"The scariest thing about distance is that you don't know whether they'll miss you or forget you."

~Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook



When the ship took off, it felt like the ground beneath us was pushing us upwards with tiny, invisible hands, until we were gliding through the air on our own. I hardly noticed the faint grumbling of the engines, or the sound that the navigator made when we left the atmosphere, or even Finn, until he swivelled his seat around and snapped his fingers to get my attention.

"Daydreaming again?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips. I shook my head and turned my seat a little so that I could face him. The hyperdrive powered up and I let out a deep sigh.

"I'm a little bit nervous to be honest." I said to him.

"Why's that?" he asked. "Scared of the Ewoks?"

I smiled. "Those furry little things? I have in mind to smuggle a couple of them away as we're leaving."

"Better not do that." Finn said with a chuckle, "We don't want to start a war, especially not with most of our troops still out in the field on Kashyyyk."

Over the years the Resistance had rapidly expanded, drawing in soldiers from nearly every planet in the star system and beyond. After the First Order crumbled, not long after Snoke's death, everyone wanted to be a part of what they believed would be the new Galactic Order. Many new allegiances were formed and Finn remained Commander-General, a role he continued to fill with ease. The ship dived into hyperspace.

"Good point." I replied. "But it's just, this isn't the first time we're asking the Ewoks for help and I don't see what would've made them change their minds."

Although many welcomed the aid of the Resistance after the First Order ceased to control their planet, others saw us as dictators, a military force that was taking advantage of the state that things were in. Many planets, like Endor, refused our help and even cut ties with us completely. And so I was surprised to hear that they had agreed to meet, and even more surprised that Finn had asked me to accompany him.

"Well we can't force them into anything but the truth is, we can't walk away from this either. They have some of the best warriors in that quadrant and we need them if we have any chance of stopping this hunting ring." he said, furrowing his brow slightly.

This was not the first mission that Finn had asked me to come on with him. At first he had offered me the position of second-in-command, which I turned down. I was never meant to be a leader. So Ertra took to job, and I tagged along for some of Finn's most important meetings and watched as he shook hands with counsellors and ambassadors from all over the galaxy. Finn was made for the job, it suited him, like the black uniform that he now had on with the red emblem of the Resistance stretched proudly across one arm. I remember one particular mission to Naboo, when we'd been hosted in an underwater palace and had stayed up feasting and drinking with the royalty. I'd drank so much that night, maybe I was trying to drown out the pain, and after one too many glasses Finn and I had ended up in my room. I was drunk, but I remember exactly how his lips had felt against my skin and the sound of his voice as he told me that everything was going to be okay.

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