The Light

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"Once you start down the dark path, forever it will dominate your destiny, consume you it will."



"Supreme Leader." I bowed as his hideous form appeared as a hologram.

"What news do you have for me?" he asked. I could not feel him prying into my thoughts so it seemed he actually wanted me to tell him.

"The girl. She has accepted my proposal. I am on my way to her now."

"Excellent." he hissed. "But your work is not finished. She must learn her place in all of this and you will show it to her."

"Yes my Lord."

"Do not let her tempt you with the light, it is for the weak and spineless, which I assume you are not."

"No my Lord."

"Good, then go."

He vanished from the holoprojector and I instantly felt relieved. I was worried he might search my thoughts and find out her location. I did not want him getting to her before I did.

Once I entered Eadu's atmosphere I could feel her presence more strongly than ever. At least she had not run away.

I landed my ship on a mountain top and scaled it's rocky face until I reached a lower one. I paused. I could feel her nearby. I called out to her.


I'm here.

For once she had answered me without hesitating.



I turned and then I saw her. She took a few steps towards me and stopped. I looked into her eyes, shimmering hazel pools full of fear and distrust, then down at her body. She was wearing scavenger's clothes, similar to the one's I'd last seen her in, but also had some kind of shawl draped over her shoulders. Her hair was  a mess. I stretched my hand out, opening her mind up to me and she did the same. Then we both just stood there, in the snowy mountain clearing, searching each other's thoughts.

I suspected she was trying to work out if I'd come to kill her. But once she was sure of my intentions, the little I showed her, she began to explore other things, deep feelings and memories that I'd kept locked away. I dropped my hand.

"My ship is here, let's go."

"But where are we going?"

"To train."

"Yes but where?". She was persistent but cautious, still not coming near me. She didn't seem too different from the last time we met on Star Killer Base, although this time she was not holding a lightsaber to my throat. Her eyes were full of questions.

"We are going to Akiva." I replied, looking straight at her.

"Why can't we just stay here?"

I turned away. I was tired of this, it was like arguing with a child.

"Let's go Rey." I said, and started walking towards the ship. After a while I heard her trailing after me. Then she came up beside me.

"I need to get some things, from my ship." she said, a bit more timid this time and not meeting my eyes. I looked down at her, she was definitely a lot smaller than I remembered. "Where is your ship?"I asked. "Up there, in between those two mountains.", she pointed in the direction.

"Stay here." I said, and forced lifted myself swiftly up towards her ship.


I'd gathered her things and we were on board my ship. She had few belongings for someone who was planning to go on a long trip, but then again she was only a scavenger. I took the pilot seat and she sat beside me as my copilot. I could sense how uncomfortable and on edge she was so avoided talking to her. I set the ship's course for Akiva.

"It's on autopilot now. There are rooms through there if you need to rest." I said looking down at her small frame. She looked like she might collapse out of terror or exhaustion, and I couldn't have that.

"I'm fine. You go." She turned away.

I shrugged. "Suit yourself. Just don't try anything funny while I'm gone. I can see your thoughts."

"And I yours." she replied, without hesitation.

I retired to my quarters to think. I was surprised that I'd gotten this far and that she'd willingly decided to let me teach her. The girl had a lot of courage trusting me with her location, and even coming aboard my ship. I had always believed that the light side was for the weak, for cowards that ran from their own feelings. But she seemed different, reckless, but different. There was something about her that made me curious, perhaps it was her courage and her ability to trust, both of which I didn't have, or her boldness in the face of...evil.

Don't let her tempt you with the light. Snoke's words echoed in my mind. He was right, I could not let this girl distract me from my goal.

I had to show her the darkness.

When Light Meets Dark - A Reylo RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now