welcome back, to gravity falls

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"Dipper! Dipper!" I heard the same, squeaky voice, way - too - girly voice in my ear, screaming and shaking me until I finally woke up and looked out, seeing most likely only woods. I was home.

"Shit, we're there?"

"Heck yeah!" She screamed, again. I knew my sister was really excited, you couldn't tell otherwise. "Goodness, I can't wait to see Grenda, and candy, and waddles!"

"...and soos, and stan, and ford, and wendy, you'll be probably pretty excited to see her, oh and old man mcgucket, and.." and her list went on and on.

"Do you think grunkle stan will even pick us up?"

"For sure. He's got ford now. He'll never forget anything anymore."

"Not even his pants?"

"Nope, not even his pants." My sister, mable, assured me.

"Oh! And Pacifica!" My sister yelled all of the sudden.

"Northwest?" I asked, my voice slightly cracking.

"No, southeast."

"I thought you hated her?"

"Ah, it's complicated. Sort of a abusive relationship."

"Don't joke about that." I told her, rolling my eyes. Suddenly, the bus hit the tracks so hard that my face was smushed against the window, my nose hurting.

"You've arrived in gravity falls. Now, get out of my bus please." So, as the ride bus driver pleased us, we did. We both got our bags and ran out, until we jumped into the arms of our great uncle stan. And, yes, he wore pants. Surprisingly.

"Stan!" Mabel and I both screamed.

"Kids! God, you both look like full grown adults now." He said, while I rolled my eyes. We did, sort of. I always acted older than our age. My sister may be a bit tall, but she looks plus acts like a 5 year old.

"Please, grunkle stan. We're 15."

"So you're technically teens?" I heard, a very familiar voice, one I haven't heard in a while though.

"Wendy!" Mabel screamed and ran to her. And yes, it was indeed Wendy. Wow. She was still so pretty. I mean, there's been a few changes, she looks more feminine now. But she's still herself.

"Wendy..." I whispered underneath my breath as I slowly walked towards her.

"Dang, dipper. You've grown." She said, with a sly smile on her rosy lips and her cheeks turning slight pink.

"Yeah, 15 now." I say, quietly, awkwardly. Fuck, I haven't talked nor seen Wendy since two years, two full years. And she wore my cap.

"Want it back?" She asked. I wore hers, by the way. And we exchanged hats again. "Only for this summer, and then I'll take it back." She giggled. "It's comfy."

"Yours too, especially in the winter." I chuckled, and couldn't help to get more awkward, but it seemed like she enjoyed my awkwardness. "Fuck, small talk, small talk.." I whispered underneath my breath, playing with the buttons on my Flannel.

"You wear flannels now?" She asked, sort of surprised that I don't wear the same grey shorts anymore. "Looks good." She added, making me try to look away cause of course, I was blushing.

"'Tsup , dudes."

"Soos!" Mabel and I yelled until we ran over to hug him. Soos hasn't aged, at all. I mean, no one personally knew his real age so..but he looked good, for whatever his age was.

"Dang, you two are like, adults now." He said, and I rolled my eyes. I feel like him spending his time as the now owner (more like, co-owner, but that later) of the mystery shack, has turned him into a mini stan, a clone version.

"We're 15, But in our hearts we'll always stay 12." Mabel answered with a giggle.

"Goodness Mabel, you got your braces off!" Stan yelled and finally realized, and so did the others.

"Did it hurt? I never needed any." Soos asked. I'm pretty sure Soos did, but his abuelita could either not afford it or he didn't want any.

"Yeah, kinda, but I got stickers!" Mabel is that person who still goes to a child doctor that gives away free stickers or toys if the kids were behaving good.

"I had to go with her. It was disgusting."

"Could imagine. I used to have some. Absolutely hated it." Wendy added along the conversation. "Hey, Stan, now they're kind of age appropriate to go partying with us, right-"

"Never Wendy. First of all, you need to work. Second, their parents would kill me, literally. Forget it." Stan answered. I absolutely disagree with him. I mean, yes, our parents would kill him if they found out but they brought us here in the first place, so..

"Our bags are getting pretty heavy, can we go into the shack now and drop everything off?" I whined, and stan nodded.

Our rooms looked the same. The same goat standing on my bed, Mabel's sevral timez posters still up, and it still smelled like wood, wax and Stan's socks.

After we brought the bags up and unpacked most things, we went back downstairs and celebrated our comeback.

Ford was also there. He couldn't come earlier to pick us up because of something new he's been working on, and he apologized and hugged us and gave Mabel some candy, because she was mad at him at first, but now forgived him.

"To, dipper and Mabel coming back, finally!"

"To the pines family!" We all raised our root beer cans up and cheered.

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