girls like girls

71 2 14

Mabel's point of view

Pacifica is a really nice person, it's honestly so weird of how close we've gotten.

Ever since dipper and broken up with her, or her with him, I'm not really sure, she's hung out with me more often, which she honestly did even before she broke up with him, or him with her, who knows, honestly. But dipper has regained his obsession with Wendy again, and I'm really starting to like Pacifica.

OF COURSE not in a weird way or anything, im like obsessed with boys of course. But Pacifica is nice, and sweet, and pretty, but she's just a friend and I like hanging out with her.

It hasn't even bothered dipper a tiny bit. He's so intensely in love with Wendy, I found a small paragraph about how he 'adores' her hair in his pine tree journal I gave him. I guess I'm happy for him, but that's kinda creepy, dipper.

Anyway, I'm hanging out with Pacifica the other day, right? And there's this dance at gravity falls high this summer where every highschool student has to participate with a date, and guess who asked me out?

Yeah, besides all of the thousands of boys of course.

Pacifica did! SHE DID! Pacifica is so gorgeous, how could she choose me over every other guy on the planet? I mean, yeah I'm gorgeous too, but isn't it kinda weird to go with you know, your best friend? I don't know, she even asked to go dress shopping with me, and she ended up going with a teal blue dress that looked absolutely stunning on her, like, I've never seen anyone this beautiful before. I went with the most hot pink dress I could find, which was long as well, but I liked it. I'm also going to wear purple heels, and she's wearing a bunch of jewelry with black heels.

The dance is soon, and I'm still kind of nervous about it. Dipper's going with Wendy, which I'm happy for him now. Since he's awfully tall now, he can finally live that weird fantasy of his dancing with Wendy. I tell you, I'm really happy for him.

I stayed smaller, Pacifica was maybe two inches taller. I screamed when I opened the door the night of this supposed prom here, and was met by an overdressed Pacifica, her hair neatly made, wearing the brightest diamond earrings and matching teal gloves to her beautiful dress that appeared a shade darker than her dress but that made it even nicer. She was absolutely gorgeous, I couldn't compare.

"God, Mabel you look...beautiful. I mean, you always do, but that dress was a really good choice for you." She said, watching me from up and down. I blushed darker than the messed up blush already appeared on my cheeks, smiling brightly. "Thanks". I spoke, watching her for a moment again. "You do too, you look really pretty." I said back. 'Really pretty' was literally the least I could've said, but I couldn't mix out any words at that moment. God, Mabel, what is wrong with you?

"So, uh, should we go?" She asked, holding her arm out for me to take it. I nod, turning to scream at stan. "Stan, we're leaving!"

"Great! Have a great time sweetie! Drink as much of alcohol as you get the chance!" He yelled back, causing me to smile widely after we shut the door behind us and got to her car.

The ride to the dance was okay. We were singing to some romantic 80s music loudly and awfully but I guess that's what made it more fun. I knew dipper was on his way to pick up Wendy. He had been so nervous the whole day, let alone ask her out freaked him out. But he was genuinely happy when she said "yeah, sure." I know Wendy seems really cool sometimes, but I could tell that she was freaking out internally when he asked her.

Dipper promised himself that he'll do anything to look after her the whole night. He's what Wendy truly deserves. And I want to take care of Pacifica today too. Dipper still didn't mind it at all. It seemed like he was rooting for me to hang out with her endlessly.

"Hey, Mabel?" Pacifica turned down the music in the car and spoke over the now quiet playing music. I turned to look at her, giving her confirmation that I'm listening to her.

"It's kinda cool, you know, just you and me. Together. No boys, you know?" She spoke, and I completely got her. She smiled when I nod at her with a bright smile, and I saw her already dark powdered blush on her cheeks turn darker.

It wasn't long until we finally got to where the dance was being held. I think it was Wendy's last year in highschool, I'm not quite sure though. I wasn't expecting to go near anything school related in the summer, but I do love a good party.

As we got in, we were greeted by a bunch of teens in the ages of 14 - 19. I saw dipper and Wendy right across the room, and Wendy looked stunning. I guess dipper looked pretty good too, but he's my brother and I could never compliment him.

I could tell he was being awkward and shy and really had no clue what to do. Yeah, dipper has been to a few dances before. But not really with a date...

"Mabel! Hey!" Wendy I heard, yell and waved us towards them. We walked to her, and Pacifica held my hand as a sign to not lose me in the crowd, well, that's what I thought was the sign.

As we finally approached them, wendys eyes went completely wide, and she turned to face dipper for a moment who flashed her a smile back before she grew one herself. "Oh, you're here with Pacifica."

I thought Wendy hated Pacifica's guts, and I'm still convinced she does, but she seemed super happy that she came with me. And so did dipper.

We continued talking a little and I drank this disgusting punch they had here. No alcohol or drugs aloud here. I'm well raised, plus, I once accidentally snorted glitter, and sneezing that out for a month straight convinced me that I should never do drugs or anything.

But it soon came to my favorite part of every dance : the slow dancing part! I know, I know, very cliche. But it's fun when you've jumped around all night and need to calm down just for a second.

My favorite 80s hit, time after time, came on and Pacifica nervously suggested me to dance with her. I took the offer, of course, and we got into the crowd and held onto each other while swinging along to the music.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone this beautiful before. I see many pretty faces day by day, but Pacifica's really was an eye catcher. I think it started getting creepy, just staring at her face as if she was the world to me, which seemed like it, but she just giggled and blushed darker than before, which I didn't even know was possible.

Was it weird, thinking about Pacifica like this? Yes. But was this next move worth it? Well, technically.

So, I've never thought Katy perry really meant it serious. You know, by kissing a girl and liking it. I've never really thought about it myself. But I've took her advice, and I kissed a girl and I did in fact liked it. Only, well, I did see it serious.

As I kept on staring at her she stared back at me, but that only caused us both to close our eyes and somehow kiss each other. I know dipper would describe this more fancy shmancy, but I've said it. I kissed Pacifica and Pacifica kissed me. And I really, really liked it.

Somehow, everything after that seemed normal and natural, and when I brought her home, we did it again. We kissed. I don't even know why. But we did. And I didn't mind it.

Authors note :

Hey guys, just wanted to say that I'm so happy with this chapter. This is probably one of my favorite chapters because it's with a topic that I've waited for ages to finally write! My bestie also kind of made me do this, lmao, she really ships mabifica. I wanted to maybe do Gideon in this story, because in the last episodes he does turn out to be good only for Mabel, but I just love the idea of them together, since Mabel was always very boy crazy and Pacifica is simply just Pacifica. No explanation.

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