no tears left to cry

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"Dipper? Dipper, are you..Uh..are you okay?" Mabel started shaking me only slightly, and as I fluttered my eyes opened, I realized soos and Mabel sat around me and a wet towel was placed on my forehead.

"Wha...what's going on?"

"You like, totally passed out as soon as you came from the pouring rain, dude. You seemed really depressed." Soos answered my question.

I sighed, sitting up.

"Are you doing better, Dipper?" Mabel asked, concern written on her face.  "Pacifica is coming later to hang out."

As Mabel said that, my eyes jumped open, but I remembered the last thing she told me. She was questioning her sexuality and I still want something from her. Or Wendy. God, hormones suck.

"Since when are you too friends?"

"We're not, Well, frenemies, or ene-friend?" She giggled stupidly, making me smile.

"What was up last night? How was it with Wendy's friend?"

"Shut up, I don't want to talk about it." I replied, pulling the covers over my head.

"Awh, what happened?" She asked, faking concern.

I rolled my eyes, flipping her off. "Just leave, okay?"

"Well, that's hard if we're sharing a room."

I just groaned in response and continued hiding, until it eventually got boring and I really needed to get out.

I know a lot of people are very confused and sad when they've just gotten dumped, but the thing is, she already dumped me, why do I let her come back and destroy me once more?

I decided I needed to cut this to an end, go get something off my mind. And right as I was thinking what to do, Pacifica stepped in, with her oh so pretty eyes and long blonde shining hair. Dang it, she was perfect.

"Hey, dipper." She said rather quietly, blushing lightly. I smiled and greeted her back, biting my lip.

"What's up?"

"Oh not much, uh, Mabel, would you mind if me and dipper uh, talk alone?" She asked, rather nervously, making her nod and cock an eyebrow teasingly at me.

I stepped out with her, shutting the door and looking at her questionable.

"What I said the other day, about being a-"

"-a lesbian, I know. It's fine, Pacifica. I'm not against it or anything." I said, looking down. I really didn't need this right now.

"No, well, ugh, that just slipped out. I think I might be bi, but I don't know. I like both, maybe I'm pan. I don't know dipper." And with that, she just hugged me.

"My point is, I like you, pines. I think you're cute, and sweet, and really good looking, and you understand me like no one else does." She whispered, looking up at me, her face turning pale but red from sudden regret of words, and before she could interrupt to save herself, I cut her off with a kiss.

She kissed back, rather passionate. Dammit, she was a really good kisser.

We continued to kiss, and that's been my longest kiss since, uh, well, yesterday.

Something stopped us though, the sudden door opening from Mabel causing Pacifica, who had been leaned towards the door with me, to fall.

Mabel looked at us both, faces red from the make out we shared, and she just stepped out, in front of the door, smiling.

"Well, just don't forget to use a condom. Have fun." She casually spoke before closing the door behind herself, Pacifica and I looking at each other still red, me helping her to get up, hearing Mabel screaming.

"Grunkle Stan, I'm going to be an aunt!"

"Mabel, no-"

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