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"Kids! Breakfast is ready!" It most likely wasn't.

I took on my grey jeans, red shirt and fixed my hair a little, slipping on some slippers and walking downstairs to the small kitchen, being greeted with Mabel making pancakes that looked like waddles.

"Is the pig breakfast too?" Stan joked, and I rolled my pretty much tired eyes before making some coffee.

"What time is it? I feel so exhausted."

"It's about 11:30. Hey, who wants to go fishing later with your great uncles-"

"No! I mean, I bet dipstick and I have a lot planned. I was actually planning to see Grenda and Candy later." Mabel interrupted stan, which i couldn't thank her enough. I had no plans in specific, maybe see some friends in Gravity falls too, which I never really had. I mean, I had Soos, and Wendy, and, well, that was pretty much it, actually.

I'll probably just ask Soos to play video games with me or so.

"Man, you kids are just boring." Stan rolled his eyes and I just sipped in my coffee, finishing the cup within 2 minutes. I wasn't hungry either.

After breakfast, I went upstairs, dressed and got ready, properly. After that, I went down to the shack to just chill there.

"Hey there, dipstick." Wendy, I heard, coming in the shack to most likely come to work, just to chill around and do nothing.

"Wendy! Oh... I mean, heyyyy.." if you haven't noticed about now, I'm pretty awkward. I sweat a lot, and my voice cracks when the devil really wants to play games with my awkwardness.

"So, I'm gonna go hang with the gang later at the lake. And I wanted to ask you if you wanna join? They kinda missed dr. Funtime." She asked, smirking after the nickname, and I've never agreed so quickly. I guess now that I'm a teen it'd be a bit less awkward for them to tag a kid along.

"Yeah, of course! I mean,..yeah, whatever. I guess." I answered, trying to play it cool but my bright smile couldn't help itself.

"Cool, But don't tell stan. Right before you came he started rambling about how he doesn't want you two to grow up and crap."

"I think he doesn't want to grow up himself and needs us as an excuse." I chuckled.

"Yeah, probably." She agreed, while both of us were completely ignoring the crowd that were willing to pay for their shirts.

I don't know about Wendy, maybe she purposely ignored them, but I for sure didn't. I couldn't help but ignore them, and just focus on her beautiful smile, and her giggles, how sweet they sound with her cool voice, and how she was slightly twirling her hair with her finger while talking, and..

God, dipper. Focus. She's too old for you. Plus, why would I still be pining away for her?

"Hey, the gangs here!" Wendy exclaimed, and I turned just to see the same old van, along lee, tambry, Robbie, Thompson and Nate.

I waved at them, but rolled my eyes at the sight of Robbie. I can't believe she was still friends with this douchebag.

"What's up, ice bag? Who's the  hottie?" Nate greeted. I was confused for who to be the hottie next to her, but soon found out is was supposed to be me. Huh, weird. Few years ago I was still a child, now all of the sudden I'm a hottie. Maybe it was sarcasm.

"Please don't call me that. And that's Dipper, you remember him. He came here a few years ago, he was 12 then." She explained, smiling down at me so sweetly.

I smiled back, you know, not to be rude. And it was hard not to smile back at her.

"Ohhhh, mr Funtime!" Lee yelled before slinging his arm over my shoulder and giving me a headlock just to annoy me for a few seconds.

"What? That's Dipper? He got taller." Robbie said in annoyance.

"And cuter." Tambry winked at me, causing me to smile.

"Well, Yeah, puberty, you know." I responded. I had this weird puberty growth, where you grow over night and are most likely the same height as your dad, possibly taller.
It was kinda scary at first, but I began to get used to it and it annoyed my sister that I was now way taller than her. My sister didn't grow much though.
I haven't acknowledged that I got cuter though. I mean, yeah my sweating problem was getting better and I was having more conversations with people, but I was still as awkward as I was a few years ago.

"Hey, so should we go?" Wendy suggested until I felt an ice cold hand placed on my shoulder. Feeling just like a ghost, just to living to be a ghosts hand-

"-you're not going anywhere, dipper." Stan, of course, stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on stan. I'll come back at like...12?"

"Dipper, no. First of all, you're way too young,"

"..I'm 15, almost 16."

"..whatever, you're not allowed to go with some weird teenagers that don't know when to stop. Also, you just came. Stay with your family."

"Come on Grunkle Stan." I whined, looking back at Wendy's hopeful face.

"Yeah, mr Pines. I'll work twice as hard then." Wendy suggested. It was nice to see Wendy really wanting me to come along, but I knew it wouldn't work, fighting against stan.

"Wendy, no you won't. You don't even work your normal shift. Dippers staying here."

And so, I was, laying on my bed, staring at the wooden dusty walls, in complete silence. Until I heard a knock.

"Mabel I'm too depressed to open the door."

"It's not Mabel, plus, I hope you're not doing things I don't want to see."


Wendy opened the door and walked inside, sitting at the end of my bed while I sat up.

"Shouldn't you be hanging with the gang?"

"I should, shouldn't i? I went to work instead, just to hang out with you after. Things wouldn't have worked anyways because Nate's grandma is in the hospital because him and lee recently did this awful prank where they put a whole bottle of Tabasco in black tea that was meant to be for Thompson but Nate's grandma drank it instead." Wendy explained, giggling while playing with her hair.

I chuckled, too. "Well, I'm sorry you couldn't go."

"Hey, it's not your fault. Plus, I kinda wanted to hang out with you alone in the first place."

Her statement made a smile creep on my face, not a too big one, but it did hurt smiling that much, kinda.

"So, wanna watch weird gravity falls horror movies that were most likely made off a low budget? I already prepared the popcorn." She suggested, and I nod immediately.

"Kids, the popcorns on fire!" Stan yelled from downstairs.

"Or..we could just eat some left over summerween candy?"

"Sounds like a Plan."

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