lilac sky

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I don't know what had driven Wendy so mad, but she just left after I mentioned Pacifica's name.

"Guess someone's in a love triangle!" Mabel yelled and pulled on my cap.

"Mabel, I'm not in a love triangle. I was just wondering how and where she is.."

"Dipper, you're having your chance with Wendy, finally, and you're blowing it off with the fakest girl alive who's a northwest? Please, dipper, you can do better."

"No Mabel! It's not like that! Wendy doesn't want me and neither do I. I'm not constantly pining over people like you are." I yelled back, getting pissed at my own sister.

"Calm down, lover boy. Look, i know Pacifica still lives here because she literally just came in the mystery shack with her grandma who she lives now with."

"Wait, What?"

"Yeah, we talked a little." Mabel said.

"Well, is she still there?" I asked, hopeful.

"Well, no, but they're on their way to lazy Susan's diner." She explained, before I pulled on my shoes and took her arm.

"We have to go!"


"Yeah, I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

"Oh, Well, yeah I could go for some pancakes."

I drove us, and on our way there, I nearly crashed because of Mabel's loud and annoying singing to the radio.

"Do you ever wonder if stan and lazy susan still have a thing? Or if they had a thing when they were younger? Or if stan ever had a wife, or kids?!"

"I don't know, Mabel. I mean he did explain to us once that he hates marriage." I responded, keeping my eye on the road before parking when we arrived.

"Well, guess that's a mystery to solve for Mabel!" She exclaimed.

We both got out, got into the diner, and ordered two plates of 5 stack pancakes.
I looked around, trying to find Pacifica. I was just looking for her, wanting to tell her hello. Maybe talk a little.

We sat down, while I was still searching, before Mabel yelled "Oh, there she is! Hey Pacifica!" And there she was.

She wore less purple eyeshadow now. I mean, she still wore makeup, and purple, her hair was a bit shorter now, and her blonde looked more natural now. She looked so...pretty.

"Oh, Hey Mabel." She said, walking to us. "Wait, is that.."

"Yes, Pacifica, that is my sweaty nerdy brother dipper." Mabel responded before I kicked her under the table. "H-Hey, Pacifica." I greeted, quietly, nervously.

"Hey, Dipper. You've changed, not so much though." She said, and I rolled my eyes. Of course, there was nothing new to Pacifica.

"..which isn't bad, I mean, you've always been cute." She added, making my cheeks turn red. "Thanks, uh, you look, really, really pretty too." I replied, and watching her blush and giggle so sweetly seemed so nice.

Pacifica was never a bad person. Her parents were, and they made her like that. "So, you live with your grandma now, I've heard."

"Yeah, after the whole thing happened in gravity falls, my parents first wanted to send me into a foster home, but then they said I'm too rich to do that, so they send me to my grandma instead. Which is cool, I really don't want to live with my parents anymore. I hate them." She explained.

"Yeah, that's understandable. I mean they were awful to you."

Soooo, Pacifica, you have a boyfriend??? Wait, no dipper. I've just seen her again. I can't just ask that.

"Well, I really have to go now. But, if you want, we could, hang out sometime?" She asked me, while getting slightly closer, and writing down her phone number on the napkin.

"Yeah, yeah of course. Sounds great." I nervously answered, before she stood up and waved at us and went back to her grandma.

I took her phone number, pushed it into my pocket, and smiled in some sort of victory.

"Great, i got her phone number." I whispered underneath my breath with a bright smile.

"Uhhhhhh, someone has a crush." Mabel teased.

"I thought you hated the idea of us."

"Mm, starting to like it." She replied, smiling before continuously teasing me on the way home. But I wasn't that annoyed then. I mean, it was annoying, but she did ask me if she wanted to hang out some time, and I did get her number, so turns out, it was a really great day for Dipper Pines.

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