call me sometime

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I looked down, my hand shaking while holding the napkin with Pacifica's number. I wanted to ask her if she wanted to hang out, tomorrow perhaps, do something she'd want to do.

"So, are you gonna call her or what?"

"Jesus, Mabel, how long have you been laying there?" I asked, looking at Mabel who was laying in her bed.

"We literally just brushed our teeth together, dipstick. So, you gonna call? Or else I'll do it.."

"-no! Mabel, just no, I got this." And so, I dialed her number into my phone, and called her.

"Hello?" I heard her speak, which made me smile and bite my lip.

"Hey, it's Dipper." I started, and looked over at Mabel who gave me some hand signals, trying to help me.

"So, I was wondering if you'd like to go hang out tomorrow, with me? We could, uh, do whatever you'd like to do." I suggested, and she took a small break to think and then continued the conversation.

"Wow, Dipper, that's so sweet, but I..I really can't tomorrow. I'm sorry."

I sighed, sort of disappointed but not surprised. "Got it, well, then, see you around I guess.."

"-Wait, Dipper, can I call you tomorrow, though? After I'm..busy?" After she asked that, and so sweetly, I couldn't say no.

"Yeah, Yeah sure! I, whatever. Talk to you tomorrow then."

"Yeah, goodnight, dipper." She said quietly and softly, giggling softly.

"Goodnight, Pacifica." I hung up, then laying down, sighing in relief and happiness.

"Dang, Sorry Dipper." Mabel spoke after I turned off the light.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Didn't she say she didn't have time? What is she doing?"

"Mabel, you can't just ask why someone's busy. They must have reasons, plus, she suggested the phone call tomorrow." I responded, smiling.

"Mabel, why do we still share a room together?"

"Because neither of us wants to switch bodies with waddles or Soos."

Next day, afternoon :

I couldn't eat dinner, because I couldn't wait for the phone call. I was so excited, yet nervous, but I didn't sweat as much as usual. Maybe my hormones were getting better, or do girls only have that?

As I pecked on my food with my fork, I suddenly heard my phone vibrate, and saw that it was Pacifica.

I fell off the damn chair, ran upstairs and answered immediately.

"Pacifica..", I started, out of breath, "how are you?"

"Hey, I'm good. You?"

"Yeah, fine. So, how was your day..?" I tried to start small talk, but me and small talk and flirting all together just doesn't add up.

"Oh, Right, i wanted to tell you about why I didn't have time." She sighed, before continuing. "First of all, im Sorry, again. I would've loved to hang out with you. Second, it was all right. I mean, I would've for sure enjoyed hanging out with you rather than going to therapy."

"Therapy?" I asked confused, and obviously concerned.

"Yeah, But I'm not like, mental or anything. Or sick. My grandma just thought it was best for me to go to therapy because of my apparent abuse with my parents." She explained, and the moment when she said abuse, I felt sick, and so many ideas came into my mind, that made me even more sick.

" what way?" I asked carefully.

"Just, the way they treated me. They always lied, and forced me to do things, and never do things I want to do. Ugh, I just wished I could burn my last name."

I felt really bad for Pacifica. I mean, I knew her parents were awful to her, but abuse? I've never thought of that.

"And you're doing this for 3 years now?"

"Well, the problem is, after you guys left, I still lived with my parents for a while, until my grandma came to visit and basically took me with her. And apparently my grandma is still worried and so is the therapist but I literally could've stopped after a year."

"Well, I'm really sorry for you going through this. Or having to go through that. I really am sorry, and I wish i had been there to help you."

"It's alright, Dipper. I mean, you're there for me now. So, wanna hang out tomorrow then?" After she asked, i immediately agreed.

So, we were planning to hang up after we'd plan our meet up, but, turns out we continued until 2 am, which were about 4 to 5 hours of talking, with a girl, a really pretty and nice one.

Mabel was pissed off by now, which is understandable. I hung up and immediately passsd out.

"Dipper, most relationships end bad when they talk for 4 hours on the phone." Mabel whispered, while I was still half asleep.

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