lost boy

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So, I finally met up with Pacifica. She giggled to most of the things I said, most of the things I did, in example when I was being clumsy or anything, or awkward, as usual. But she wasn't giggling in a mean way, more in a nice, passionate way.

"Dipper, I really enjoy hanging out with you." She said, while we were watching the sunset on the mystery shack roof.

"You know, I'd usually go with another girl on here." What the fuck are your choice of words, Dipper?

"..but, she was nothing like you. You're different, you're special to me, Pacifica." Her eyes sparkled while I told her, she was looking into mine, smiling softly.

This is the time, Dipper. Kiss her.

No, maybe it's too soon. But we did have a great time.

Plus, we've known eachother for a while now, and hung out a few times now after 2 hour long calls. And she always giggles and never breaks a smile around me, and blushes, and neither do I. I seem happy around her.

I needed to tell her that. "I seem happy around you." I whispered softly towards her.

"No, I am happy around you." Dang, Dipper, you're on fire.

"Dipper, I'm happy around you too." She whispered back, causing me to smile once again. "And I want to hang out with you more, and get closer to you.."

She stopped, getting closer, playing with my shirt a little, before I leaned in closer a little, our nose tips now touching. We were inches apart of kissing eachother, before I just went in for it, and she jumped a little, and so did I.

It went on like that, and got a bit longer, her hand on my neck and my hand on her back, not breaking the kiss and our lips still attached, eyes shut.

I wonder what people think during makeouts, or sex. What do you have to think about anyways?

Before it got a little messier, we both stopped to catch some breath, and then continued, but she soon pulled away again and looked at me with a hopeful small smile.

"Dipper.." she started and whispered softly, still smiling before looking down and our touching knees. "I..."

"Yes..?" I asked quietly, not wanting to rush an answer out of her, though. And she kept smiling, until that faded away. It wasn't like a 'lovely' smile, more like an 'apologetic' smile.

"I..." She stopped again, it was like something was refusing to get an answer out of her.


"..I think I'm a lesbian."

"What the fuck-"

Authors note :
I'm sorry this was so short but I needed to update and don't have much time and didn't want to make this a big chapter before I make a whole full plotted one. So, hopefully you enjoyed this small one, have something for the queers. :)

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