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We all arrived at Thompson's house, staying in his basement.

There were snacks and drinks placed everywhere, and Thompson warned us every five minutes to be quiet because of his sleeping grandpa, but as he should know us, them especially, we couldn't shut up.

After talking and drinking (non alcoholic but very sugary drinks) for a while, someone, by that I mean lee, placed an empty coke bottle in the middle of the room, before shouting "who wants to play spin the bottle?"

It was such a typical teenage thing, that was only used to make out with someone you supposedly like.

Lee spun first, the bottle pointing to Robbie.

"Okay, Robbie. Truth or -"

"-dare, I'm not a loser." He interrupted with a smirk.

"What's the point of this game anyways? It's called a game, but you can't win nor loose." I whispered to Wendy, who sat besides me, giggling quietly.

"Dude, i don't even know. I don't care either. It's just fun spending time with the people you care about most, and just spend time with them that'll last as memories you'll most likely tell your grandchildren one day."

Dude, i admire her so much.

The way she talks, and after every third word tugs her natural red hair behind her ear.

Her small smile creeping on her pink lips, her freckled cheeks rising up, turning the same shade of pink as her lips, and her eyes, god, her eyes.

The way they softly blink while she looks up at me, and how nature green they are. I'd crave them if I had the possibility, but that would just turn out to be creepy.

Dude, What the hell are you doing?

"Dipper, you're up." Nate spoke, tapping on my shoulder repeatedly.

I guess I had fallen asleep while staring I inside of Wendy's eyes, and apparently it's been a while too, because most of them already did embarrassing shit.

Well, seems like I really wouldn't have had any chance to tell my grandchildren (if I don't end up dying alone as a virgin) what happened that night. A memory that'd last forever.

Kids, I'll tell you about how there was this one night with a group of friends, and we played truth or dare, and I completely missed half of the game because I was so focused looking at the most gorgeous girl to ever exist. God, I wish i hadn't married your grandmother. That's how it'd go.

"Dipper!" I immediately snapped out of it after hearing Wendy raise her voice.

"Oh, Uh, Sorry. Had hardly any sleep last night. So, dare." I awkwardly answered, and to not show any weakness, I chose dare.

God, why did I choose dare that night?

Nate smirked while his eyes wandered towards lee, and I just sat up in utter confusion.

"So, First of all, have you ever kissed someone?" He asked me, my eyes looking around the room before leaving out a small chuckle. "Yeah, of course." I answered quickly, trying to act cool.

Failing miserably.

He nod, and turned to me after what seemed like a small discussion while whispering to lee but both then agreeing.

"Okay, I dare you, to.."

Honestly, I have never been so sweaty and nervous and awkward and stuttering after hearing the dare.

"...to kiss Wendy." He simply commanded.

My heart literally fell out of my ass in that moment. Refusing a commanded dare is absolutely weak and stupid, so I had to do it.

I turned to Wendy, who seemed pretty chill about it, smiling at me, looking into my eyes.

I would've waited for a clear signal if it were up to me, but Wendy was already blinking her eyes so much as if she were ready to shut them close.

It wasn't her kissing me. The dare spoke me kissing her.

So, I had to do the first move.

I carefully scooted closed, my head getting slightly closer, and our noses touching. It sounds like a step by step progress, but it really isn't that slow. In fact, next thing you know, you're kissing the girl. Your lips on hers.

Hers were chapped, mine not very much, but they weren't dry either. Hers had a cherry flavor, it fit to her.

So, the kiss was supposedly only going to be for like, 1 minute at least, a peck, maybe. But, it ended up with Wendy really giving it, kissing back, stepping the next step, holding my cheek, my hand on her hip, and she wanted it to be there, I felt it.

Her other hand dug to my brown curly hair, playing with the curls. My other hand rubbed her cheek softly with my thumb, both of our lips staying together and moving together until we most likely went out of breath.

And as we both did, we stared at each other, like something unexpected had happened.

"Wendy, I think I'm in love with you." I whispered.

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