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It's been two weeks since the event between me and Wendy, and me and Pacifica. It's like I didn't even know the hell wendy was anymore, and although I enjoyed spending time with Pacifica, I felt the pain that no one wanted to feel, the pain that was endless. It hurt way too much.

I didn't see her the past few days, last time I saw her was at the party, where everything uphill went downhill.

It was terrible, honestly, I'd never felt worse the first days. But I was actually dating someone for the first time, which by the way, wasn't my first girlfriend. I dated a girl with 13 who was an awful kisser and I stopped seeing her after a month and a half. I broke up with her on Christmas, during church. I was pretty terrible, but I didn't get her a present in the first place. 

That wasn't the point though, the point was me being happy with Pacifica, which was a rare feeling with me. I felt actually happy, for once. And Pacifica was great, she was actually going to go mystery hunting with me and Mabel today.

I know, it seems childish to still go mystery hunting. But look at stan and ford, they're old and are still lurking for mysteries.

Mabel claimed she went with waddles and soos to the woods to hang up some signs for advertisement of the shack, which stan was leading again since he needed money and soos sure couldn't hold a store safe by itself.

They found was seemed like a jem, but as soon as Mabel touched it, because it was so shiny, it started exploding and turn into what seemed a ball. She also said it showed something like an older version of soos, with hair and a beautiful wife and kids but he was stinking rich. It looked like it was a prediction or something, and hearing from it from Mabel interested me, I needed to know more about this.

We were on our way to the woods, which I had to pass by Wendy and her friends. She looked like she would usually, beautiful and cool. But she couldn't care less about me, I saw that of the way she was ignoring me like a ghost. So I started to join her game.

"Let's just follow the signs we hung up yesterday, it should be around here anytime so- ah!" Mabel exclaimed after tripping on a huge glowing purple ball. I stared it it for a while, flipping through ford's book of any answer. I flipped to one in the first journal, because he told me there might be something said in there. And it indeed did.

"The magic know-it-all ball. Look close enough and you'll see the future you've never imagined and possibly couldn't live with. Be careful though, afterwards, every step you make can cause terrible damage to your future, and you might get what the consequences were in the first place." I read aloud, and I found Mabel infatuated with the ball as her eyes turned full white. I gasped in surprise and slight fear, watching her and soos watch the ball and possibly gaze into their future.

Pacifica played nervously with her manicured purple fingers nails, biting on her lip. "Hey, you okay?" I asked, holding her arm in support.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just kind of nervous to go mystery hunting, with all of you." She spoke carefully, and I smiled and kissed her cheek, showing her she has no need to be nervous. She smiled slightly back, before looking away and around, grossed out by what seemed nature.

I read that you have to break the ball in order to have your future led by yourself, especially because the recovery might last forever or possibly never and you wouldn't be able to live with yourself after seeing what you saw.

I figured soon enough, it was a terrible idea looking at it more than 1.4 seconds long...

Future : may 26th, 2028.

"William, Artemis! Dinners ready." I heard a familiar yet different voice. Everything seemed blurry too, and it felt like I had no body to own.

But as I turned to the right I saw someone look like me. Only taller, and probably more handsome, wearing a flannel and a pair of jeans, turning around and wrapping his arms around a red headed woman's waist, kissing her neck. She turned, and I felt like I was shot by the sudden realization. It was Wendy, and holding her around her waist was...

"Dad!" The little girl with reddish brown hair exclaimed, causing him, or should I say me, to turn around. I could feel my own breathing become heavy, if I had any. 

"Hey, Artemis. How are you?" He asked sweetly, smiling down at her. I gulped, not know what to do, but I guess watching was a good option.

"Dad! Look! I solved the what the heck-a-hedron!" A little boy with brown hair exclaimed, holding the toy in his hand. I gasped. I was surprised, only smart waddles solved it. I watched closely, urging the story to go on.

He chuckled, walking over to him. "Wow, I am so lucky to have such a smart kid like you, Bill." He spoke, smiling and ruffling up the boys hair. The boy looked awfully alike like me when I was younger.

"Shut it, Sixer! You're just bragging!" The girl spoke, waving her hair back and forth as she pulled away the toy. That's when the nickname really hit me : the boy had six fingers.

"Hey, I told you not to call me that!" He whined, hiding his hand nervously. I guess he was embarrassed or insecure about it, just like ford when he was younger.

"I can't believe they're still making them, what the heck-a-hedron. I remember your dad buzzing his head trying to figure one of them out." Wendy turned and spoke, biting her lip as she watched them.

"Hey! I solved one of them!" He lied, obviously. I didn't, waddles did. He picked up the older version, or present version, as I should say, from the top of the shelf and showed it to the boy, who seemed to be amazed by it. "Wow, it's so old even the qualities are bad!" He gasped, causing future me to chuckle and shake his head.

I watched him turn to go over to kiss Wendy, and that's when everything turned white in realization. I was married to Wendy and had a family with her, with a silly yet interesting daughter and a intelligent grade a son. I realized it all just now, and then it went to black as I opened my eyes to be revealed back in the woods.

Present day

"I saw her! I saw her again, Mabel!" Soos exclaimed, and I felt a terrible headache rush over me. Mabel highfived him, seemingly not caring about my headache.

"Hey, dipper, are you alright?" I saw Pacifica shake me slightly, concern written all over her face. I immediately stood up, walking away from everyone. This was it. This was the you will not be able to recover for awhile, or possibly ever feeling. And I already felt sick about it.

Apparently, I've been lost for a week now.

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