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Apparently, I've been lost for a week now.

Dealing with the future seemed hard for so many people, but actually seeing what happens was worse. I don't even know why I got so traumatized by what happened. I seemed happy, with Wendy. The issue though was that whatever I do was going to harm that, and I felt like loneliness was my only escape.

Policemen have been looking all over me and Mabel started writing letters to me but never actually sending them saying : "dipper, you asshat come home." I wouldn't expect such language from her, but I guess you really didn't know people as good as you thought you would.

When my mind told me to come home after 9 days, I went. Not only because I was supposed to come home and get back to my right mind, but I also started smelling really bad and needed a shower.

I walked into the shack and straight up to our room, taking a shower. I had maybe 4 seconds of different thoughts beside changing my future, but as told, that didn't last long.

After taking a long, comforting shower, I walked out with a towel wrapped around my waist and my damp hair dripping down my forehead.

Due to my numb mind state, I didn't realize until a minute after being in a rushed hug with a red head smaller than me. Of course I knew by the shade of red and by the smell of wood and soap who this was, and it was the last person I expected to see right now.

"Dipper" She spoke quietly, holding my damp body tightly as if holding onto her life. Wendy and I haven't spoken for a really long time now, so I was taken by surprise but soon wrapped my arms around her waist and held her closer.

No, of course this wasn't awkward at all that the only thing keeping me from being completely stripped down was the towel on my waist. And she was hugging the life out of me.

I felt her hand wander up my wet hair, holding it softly while sniffling lightly. "I thought you were gone forever, and worse." She spoke, and I could see her frown. This is the softest she has ever spoken, really, and I kind of enjoyed listening to her talk like that.

"I.." I started speechlessly. I really had no words to really say, I haven't even spoken to anyone really so it was kind of hard to keep back on track. Especially with all that happened, I don't know if Wendy is the correct person to talk to right now. But then again, maybe she was the best one to talk to right now.

"I'm so sorry.." I finally choked out, beginning to cry. Of course I wasn't going to tell her what really happened. I don't want to know how she'd react, positive or negative, because I didn't know how I even reacted.

"Dipper?" I heard Mabel speak from behind me, before she grabbed me and hugged me tightly as well, crying, hard. I hugged her back. I felt like I was coming back to my senses slowly, but I still didn't know how to feel, to be honest. I felt as empty as when Bill took over my body, and I was just a lost soul. Only worse, possibly.

"Don't you ever scare me like that, ever again! Sold and Pacifica and I were about to hang up these missing posters!" She exclaimed, showing me the poorly drawn missing posters of myself with descriptions like "sweats very much and has a very annoying voice. Has soft skin, though."

I rolled my eyes, chuckling lightly. I looked over to see Pacifica frowning, her head laying low before leaning in to hug me as well. I hugged her back, but I knew this wasn't going to last long.

"Pacifica, I think we need to talk." 


Long story short, I broke up with Pacifica. It just wasn't working out, how should it after this, and I think I really needed to recover with one specific person.


"Yeah, dipper?"

"I, uh...can we talk?"

We were seated by the couch, and I held the cup of tea close to me lips since I've been shivering from the latest cold. She looked at me blankly, urging me to speak.

"About what happened at the party, I'm so sorry I ruined everything-"

"dipper, you didn't ruin anything. I did. I was so scared of falling in love with you I thought letting you go might as well be the best idea, but god was I wrong. I let down my best friend."

As I heard her speak of love, I immediately froze. She was in love with me. Love in her dictionary had always been so forbidden, and now she's spoken about it, and about me.

I figured she saw my stares at her, as if I was disturbed or anything. Truth was, I wasn't. I was more relieved but still confused and frustrated. But she just left it with that, and started on another conversation about what happened when I was gone.

Ford had told me that he had some sort of potion for me, since I opened up about this to him. He was the only person who knew about this, about this predictive future thing. He told me he's seen it before, but he had find a cure. But I don't think I need a cure, I need Wendy. She was my cure, because talking to her, I've never felt any better.

I think all conversations come to an end, and as you stop from being friends and start becoming lovers, the tension gets weak, sweet, longingly. I've stared into Wendy's eyes as if they were all I've asked for, and she stared into mine as if I had the world. Slowly, we were getting closer. This all happened as I walked her out of the shack to tell her goodbye and thank you, and as our lips brushed against each other, I think this was thankful enough for me and her. She pressed her lips into mine as if she needed it, and I held her hand while the process continued. It was weird, wanting this. Feeling this and living this. It was weird in a good way, and I knew she could feel it too, because she has confessed about her love to me earlier this day, and although I thought she'd leave it alone as unspoken business, she proved me wrong.

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