corduroy dreams

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"So, didn't work out as planned?" I heard, as a cold hand was placed on my shoulder which sent shivers down my spine.

"I've always known, the lesbian thing. Well I knew she's bi, because she was with a girl for a while but gravity falls doesn't take it as a big thing, since she's not very much a big thing anymore." She added, which was spoken by Wendy. She sat beside me and smiled apologetic. "Sorry."

"Why should you be?" I asked, laughing slightly and broken. "Kinda got my hopes up."

"Yeah, you sure did." She sighed in sync with me.

"How come you got so mad at me for saying her name?"

"Because she's a bitch. Our families have had bad blood since ever."

"But she changed."

"She didn't. I mean, yeah I guess she's kind of nicer, but a snake stays a snake."

I chuckled along to her statement, and she smiled softly at me. I've just came to realize that we've never been so close before, and although we have been really close, I wished for us to get closer, possibly inches apart. She seemed like she wanted the same, but then again, why would she?

After the Pacifica situation, I decided to not trust girls for a while when it comes to things dating.

"Hey, wendy?"


"When was the last time you've dated anyone?" I asked, carefully yet quick.

Wendy thought for a second. "Uhh, don't know actually. Really dating someone was Robbie, but I only had small pity relationships after." She explained with a smirk.

"What about you?" She asked, smiling softly.

I shrugged, how was I supposed to tell her that I've never had an official relationship before, or not even something like it. I guess I focus on other things more than girls

"Uh, I don't really date." I answered carefully, biting my lip nervously because of her upcoming reaction.

Wendy just giggled softly and sweetly, before punching my shoulder slightly. "Yo, dude, that's totally cool. Way better than constantly having these stupid unnecessary relationships like mine." She said and looked at me, still smiling.

"Robbie, is he still dating tambry?"

"Yup. But it's surprisingly cute and working out well. I thought at first, Well, maybe a two month thing, turns out they've been going out for two years now. It's pretty sweet and all."

I smiled and nod, listening to her. "Hey, Uh..What are you up to tonight?" I asked carefully and awkwardly.

"I'm out with the gang. We're staying over at Lee's basement. Hey, how bout you come along?" She asked, and I never agreed so quickly. Stan wasn't coming until maybe 12pm, so he had no chance to stop me from going.

Around 6, the gang came to pick us up. Wendy had told them that I'm coming along, and they all agreed with it, Well, almost all. Of course Robbie didn't.

"Hey, bro. Where are you going?" Mabel tapped me on the shoulder as I was walking out, turning around immediately.

" where." I tried, but I knew she wouldn't let it go.

"Look, im hanging out with Wendy's friends and staying overnight, promise you won't spoil anything to Grunkle Stan?" I asked, and she nod with a smile before hooking our pinkies.

I put my bag in the trunk, got inside and sat next to Wendy, who smiled up at me so sweetly.

Both of us were unaware of what was yet to change between us that night...

see you again // gravity fallsWhere stories live. Discover now