everything is blue

108 4 15

I woke up with Wendy in my arms. Wait, what? Dipper, repeat that again. I woke up at 9. 15 am, in Wendy's arms, while we were both laying against the chair on the floor.
My fingers were tangled in her red hair, but I slowly pulled my hand away and sat back a bit, letting her head just rest on my lap. I didn't want her to wake up just now, because 1. I just really enjoyed watching her sleep, which sounds creepy just thinking about it.
And, 2. I had just came to the realization that she woke up in my arms, and we were really close, and my fingers were apparently playing with her hair while we were both asleep, and I may have forgotten what happened yesterday except that we watched a 4 hour marathon of old crappy gravity falls movies, so I didn't want to remember either way, because I could guarantee nothing else happened than that.

"Morning, Dipper." She spoke softly and sat up while I was still staring at the ceiling and trying to think about anything else than Wendy, for once.

"Ohhh, Hey, wendy. Morning. Seems like you, fell asleep here in the shack and forgot to get home. I could've driven you home."

"Woah, wait, you have a drivers license?"

"I learn fast. I started but apparently I was too good already and got it earlier. Mabel failed like 3 times, but could care less." I explained, leaving out a soft sigh, kind of out of relief.

"Okay, that's hot." She said. "Well, anything's better than at my house." She added, stretching her arms and yawning.

"Yeah, can relate." I replied, before my ears and cheeks turned hot red. Most of the time, i learned, Wendy said things she might not mean, or to act cooler. I only know that Wendy isn't that cool as she seems. I mean, of course she's cool, like, really cool, but she's very stressed at home and that's all I've known from her home life. And probably ever will know.

"Dipper, why did it take so long for you guys to come back?" Wendy asked me, out of the blue. I honestly thought we were still going to ramble about how awful our home lives are, but anything than that to talk about is better. Way better.

"Well, it's kind of complicated. Our parents planned to go with us every summer somewhere, and we always said we wanted to go back to Gravity falls. But, somehow, they just didn't want us to go back. And all I thought was, why did they send us there in the first place."

"Yeah, stupid. Hey, aren't you turning 16 at the end of the summer?"

"Middle, actually. Mabel and I are turning 16 in the middle of the summer, because holidays started later this year."

"Sick! Then we can celebrate your birthday together." She smiled while saying that.

"Yeah, sick." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.

"We should do a really big party, no adults aloud. I bet Mabel really wants a big sweet 16th."

"She does, actually. I could care less." I explained. Mabel has been planning her sweet 16th ever since she was 4. She always played with dolls and that her dolls had their 16th birthday (I only know this because, Uhm, she always talked so loudly. It's not like I had played with her or so..). And, now that we're so close to being sixteen, she really wants a masquerade party. I don't even want a party. Maybe just a small slice of cake, and a few friends, that's it. But, no, we're twins, and we have to celebrate every birthday together.

"Masquerade party? Man, I wish I had that when I turned 16. You should really do that, though. All girls in fancy dresses, and boys in fancy suits."

"Will you wear a dress?" I asked, all of the sudden. I wanted to add for me or for me and Mabel, and variant b would've been less awkward, but I left it like I said it.

"Yeah, most likely." She answered, coolly.

"Hey, Dipper? I know I've asked you a bunch of questions today, but, do you..still have a crush on me?" Her silent pause in her sentence hurt more than the actual question, because I know she was about to ask something so serious.

I didn't know how to reply at first, especially because I didn't know. I mean, there's this one girl, in gravity falls, who I don't even know if she still lives here, but last time we saw eachother we got so,..so close. I mean, she may have really fake bleach blond hair, but I know her. I've found her real self. But Wendy on the other hand...

"No, no way. That crush by the way, was so childish." I chuckled, awkwardly.

"Thoughts so. I mean, I just wanted to make sure because, things would've gotten really awkward by now." She giggled softly.

"Hey, wendy?"

"Yeah, Dipper?" She looked up at me while her head rested again on my lap, looking with her sparkling emerald glossy eyes up at me, such hope filled, pretty eyes, into my eyes, speaking so softly, so sweetly.

"Do you still know if Pacifica northwest lives around here?"

"Pacifica northwest?!" She answer asked, sitting up, her eyes now sort of angry and deadly, her voice, she seemed ready to literally murder someone.

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