Isabella P.O.V

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Isabella's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of an alarm going off. I groaned and stood up, only to realise my brother was still hugging me. I laughed and smiled to my self and tried to wake him up.

" Hey jake, wake up please " I say all I get in return was a pillow in my face and a groan

" Jake " I repeat

" Fine " I say and walk into the kitchen and grab a glass if iced water and fill the cup to the rim and walk back and poor it on his head, he instantly shot up

" AHH FUCK !!! IZZY !!! " Jake shouts

" Should have woken up then " I say smiling and walk into the shower and wash my long hair. I say long because it's long for me but it's down to my ribs.

I walk out and dry my hair quickly and put the smallest amount of makeup on with some mascara to make my eyes look bigger and brighter.

I walk over to the draws and pick out some of the cloths I have at my grans. I finally decide on some jeans, a pretty and baggy vest and just a small jumper. with of course my vans today's colour was white.

I walk out if my room and see my brother sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cornflakes. I grab a small bowl and start eating mine.

After I've finished breakfast I brush my teeth and I walk to school by myself because my brother got a lift.

I walk up to the school gates and almost turn around but I fight against the temptation. I check my timetable and it says my first lesson is English. great -.-

After all of the hate on English I didn't even have to go to it. I had to take this test in the computer room and that took up the whole of my English lesson so I was shoot about that.

I never do anything at Lunch except go library and sit down till lunch is over so that's what I did. I sit down at my normal please, at the very back , out of site. it was more peaceful at this part and I loved that, it's where I could think.

I had my earphones in and was listening to some music when someone pulled one out.

" Hey ! " I whine

" Um izzy it's me " he says and I look up to see like smiling. I literally throw my self at him and hug him tight.

" Oops I'm sorry " I say pulling away

" NO ! " he yells pulling me back and I giggle he hugs me tight

" So you go this school ?"he asks

" Yeah what lesson you got next?" I ask smiling

" Science " last lesson yeah !" he replies making me laugh

" Me too , I'm with Mr. Odwood

" Ah me too ! " He beams

" Yay " I say

" Shall we be off to science ? " He asks making a posh voice and holds his arm out I laugh

" We shall indeed " I giggle and place my arm through his and he smiles down at me from his tall hight.

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