Tears to smiles

522 9 1

Luke's POV

Last night was hell. No probably worse if that's possible. Izzy has multiple stab wounds that made her loose a lot of blood and she got a shot wound to the leg. Law on the other hand was in really bad condition, she had stab wounds that went in her ribs and then she had a bullet go through her stomach like Izzy had a couple of moths ago. Niall hasn't stopped crying and neither have I.

" Mr Hemmings ? Mr Horan " A mans voice comes from behind us.

" Yeah that's us " I sniffle

" Okay well as you can tell the girls are in very bad condition and they've lost a lot of blood. " he says sadly

" Carry on ! what's gonna happen !" Niall snaps " sorry for napping " he adds after seconds

" It's perfectly fine , what I was about to say we don't know if they'll make it or not. Both girls have bad injuries and concussions from the impact of the kicks and punches. Lauren is in a terrible state worse than Isabella is. She's got stab wounds and a gun shot to the stomach that made it hard for her to breath and even if they do wake up we're not sure what their memory will be like " he sighs

" So your saying they won't remember us if they wake up " Niall sobs

" No I'm saying theirs a chance of that happening they might be fighters and be fine when they wake up. To be honest these girls need to have a better place to live, those flats are terrible I used to live there and someone got stabbed and gangs hang around there but how old are they both ?" the doctor replies

" Their both 17 " I answer

" 17 ands gone through all this .. wow " the doctor states " you guys and stay here as long as you Like and a nurse will be in soon " he says and walks out.

" Fuck !!!" Niall yells

" Niall bro calm down before you get pulled out " I sigh

" Sorry mate " he sobs

" It's fine " I say

" Hello boys " a older woman says

" Hi " we sob

" I'm just gonna check stuff and make sure their as comfortable as they can be " she smiles " please pretend I'm not here " she adds

" What do you mean by that ?" Niall asks

" Pretend I'm not here so carry on with your chat and don't talk to me " she smiles and we nod. We sit there in silence watching Izzy and Law lying helplessly on the hospital beds. Then an Idea popped into my head I'll go see Sharon from front desk. I explain to Niall and he said he'll come in a minuet so I walk towards front desk and see her packing up her things.

" Sharon ?" I say sadly tears running down my face.

" Ah Luke "she exclaims and hugs me " c'mon it's my lunch break " she smiles sadly and I follow her into a back room this time so I send Niall a text to say where we are.

" Why are you here ?" She smiles

" Izzy " I cry

" Luke what's happened ?" she asks sternly

" Me and my mate Niall went out to get some stuff and she stayed at home with law her best friend and they got attacked by the gang and then she called me up gasping for air saying help and we ran back and they were both on the floor in blood and then they've both been shot and stabbed and kicked and punched " I cry

" Oh Luke " she sniffles

" I need to find us a house that's away from this fucking town so we're all safe " I say sniffling , tears rolling down my cheeks and Niall walks in crying.

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