Car journeys

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Izzy's POV

" Luke " I whined

" Yeah baby ?" he smirked

" Where are we going ?" I whined again

" It's a surprise " he replied putting my hand in his

" Law , Niall ? do you know ? " I ask turning my head to face Law who was sitting next to me in the back of Luke's car.

" No " Law sighed smiling

" I do " Niall smirked and we both huffed annoyed.

You see we've been driving for the last 20 minuets and Luke and Niall won't tell us where we're going. Me and Law are sitting in the back because Niall called shot gun and Luke had to drive but Niall also said he had to sit in the front because he knew where we were going and that annoyed me.

" Lukeeyyy " I whined

" Your gonna loose your voice whining because me and Luke aren't gonna tell you two " Niall smirked

" Fine then " I huff and sit back in my seat.

" Believe me babe , you'll both love the surprise " Luke smiles blowing me a kiss.

" Okay " me and law say in unison.


We've been on the road for 1 hour now and I'm getting rather tiered. We had to stay in a traffic jam for Like half and hour and that was so boring but we finally moved but me and Law have no clue where we're going still.

I looked to my right to see Law asleep but banging her head against the car window and I sighed loudly.

" What's up babe " Luke asks

" Law's fallen asleep but she keeps hitting her head " I sigh

" Pull over Luke , me and Izzy can change seats " Niall says and Luke pulls over and we swap quickly and then get back to driving. I look over to Luke and see him smiling at the road, I knew he was excited to get to where ever we were going. Then I looked back at Law and Niall and he made her lay her head on his lap so she was comfy and he's smiling down at her and stroking her hair and whispering ' I love you ' in her ear but I could faintly hear. All this driving got me tiered and I yawned really loud.

" Go sleep babe " Luke said

" But I'm passenger " I reply " that means I've got to stay awake " I add

" I've got Niall in the car babe and your tiered I'll wake you when we get there " he smiles and I nod

" As long as you wake me up nicely , not yell " I laugh

" Don't worry " he laughs

" I love you Luke " I smile and close my eyes

" I love you more Izzy " he replied kissing my lips softly.

" Don't crash and kill us all " I say with my eyes closed

" Don't worry I won't " he replies.

And I quickly drift off into a sweet sleep.

Niall's POV

Sitting here with Law sleeping on my lap is heaven right now. When she was lying at hospital I thought I'd never get too hear her voice again but she's my little fighter just Like Izzy's ,Luke's little fighter.

Luke's POV

" Mate we're gonna be there in about 40 minuets " I smile looking through the mirror

" Yeah mate that's fine , it's only 5 in the Morning " Niall laughs

" Wow that's the earliest I've ever got up " I reply laughing.

" Yeah same " Niall replies

" God , I can't wait to see their faces when we get to the house " I beam

" Yeah me too , hey ! where's jake " Niall asks

" I don't know I think he was staying at his grans but .... Jake seems to hang around the ally's , meaning he walks past them a lot ."I sigh

" Mate , he's gonna get super hurt " Niall sighs

" I know and that's why we're gonna let him live with us " I smile

" Can he ? " Niall asks excitedly

" Well yeah , we've got a 5 bedroom house and we only really needed two " I laugh

" Oh yeah " Niall chuckles

" Call him then " I reply smiling

" Oh yeah " he says and pulls the phone up to his ear and frowns " no answer " he says

" Kept trying , I've got a bad feeling about this " I reply and look at Niall seriously.

" Heh !! jake dude why didn't you pick up ? you had us worried ! whoa jake calm down where are you ? the river ? oh that place ... that's on the way to where we're heading .... no we'll pick you up's no trouble ... stay calm " Niall speaks into the phone , then hangs up.

" What's happened " I ask worried

" He didn't say but he was super choked up " Niall speaks sadly

" He's staying with us " I state and Niall nods " so where's the place? " I ask

" You know that restaurant ' the river ' he's there " niall says

" Ok " I reply and we both dive there and wait in the car park and see jake walk up to the car clutching his stomach, me and Niall move Izzy carefully and not waking her up and put her in the back on the other side of niall , so jake could sit in front and we start driving to the new house and jake already knows all about it .

" Mate what happened ?" Niall asks

" Ok , ok the police made me sign some papers that I forgot to the other week and they were walking mum and dad through the hall at the time I was there and they just attacked me but hey were pulled of quickly , I was just shaken up " he smiles

" Do you Like where you love ?" I ask

" What is this , 20 questions ? why you ask " he laughs

" Do you ? ?" I repeat

" No , hate it " he says with an confused expression

" Do you wanna live with us ?" I ask

" Really !!!????!!!!??" he asks excitedly

" Yeah of course " Niall replies

" Are you sure I won't get in the way or anything " he asks nervously

" Mate , we're all Friends now and to be honest I think it would be nice for Izzy to have her brother there " I smile

" OMG thank you so much. " Jake exclaims

" No worries " Niall smiles

" It will be nice for Izzy , her two best friends , best brother and boyfriend " I smile

" Her best boyfriend " jake chips in

" Huh ?" I ask

" She's never had a boyfriend before your her first love and when I talk to her alone if I ask her about you she says your the number one boyfriend " jake smiles

" She's my first love , girlfriend , the fun in bed and all that , and she's my number one " I smile

" The fun in bed !!!!!!" Niall laughs

" Guys shut up !! you'll wake them and we don't want that " I say

" True " jake agrees

" Sorry mate " Niall apologises

" It's fine mate doesn't matter "I smile

" God I'm excited " jake says smiling excitedly

" Me too " Niall chirps up quieter this time

" Me three " I smile " half and hour boys " I smirk and they cheer quietly.

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