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Hey guys !!!! New chapter for ya !! I know I said this chapter will contain sexual content but nope ! this is actually a pretty sad chapter if you ask me but please enjoy xxx

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Tweet me as well @madoneforeva ❤️❤️❤️

You guys mean the world to me and like wow 2k of you are reading ' not right ' I can't friking believe it !!!!! I mean even one reader amazed me so to have that many is such an amazing thing !


Luke's POV

" Luke , jake locked the door " Izzy whines as she tries to open it

" Just nock " I laugh and she does and Jake opens the doors smiling

" A couple of hours ey ? more like 11 am till friking 8 pm "jake laughs

" Hey , don't moan " Izzy laughs as we all walk into the living room where Niall is crying.

" Niall ! what's up Hun ?" Izzy says rushing over to Niall and pulling him in for a hug

" I've messed everything up ! she doesn't even want me near her " he cries

" Niall , she'll come around , you know she's just upset " Izzy reassures him.

" I'm gonna go see her " Niall says standing up and walking up stairs.

Niall's POV

I slowly walk upstairs , sniffling all the way. I make my way to the bathroom and tried to open the door but it was locked. I keep trying to open it but i feel my socks getting wet. I look down and notice there's water slowly drizzling out of the bathroom from underneath the door.

" Law !!! princess come on open the door !!" I shout. No answer. The water continues to come out from underneath the door and I become more and more worried. I take a couple steps back and ram into the door and it opens with a bang.I rush in to find 2 egg bottles of pills lying near the sink and Law underwater. I rush over to the bath and pick her head up. I watch as she opens her eyes very slowly and I cry harder

" Law ! why " I cry

" ..s..sorry... ni..niall , " she chokes out as a whisper

" Law ! why I love you. ! Stay with me " I cry

" I love you Niall " she whispers and closes her eyes again and goes dead still .

" NO NO NO !! LAW PRINCESS ! DONT LEAVE ME " I cry but she doesn't reply

" IZZY HELP !!!" I cry

Izzy's POV

" So how was your day ?" jake asks wiggling his eyebrows

" It was great actually , Luke took us out for lunch and we just chatted and it was just super nice " I reply smiling

" It's good to spend a day just taking and having fun " Luke replies kissing my forehead

" Hmm " I reply

" IZZY HELP !!!" I hear Niall shout from upstairs. I make no hesitation of getting of the sofa and running upstairs to the bathroom where Niall's voice came from. I walk in the bathroom and see Niall cradling Law , crying his eyes out. I notice she's soaking wet and that there's two empty pill bottles next to the sink.

" Omg " I croak. Seconds later Jake and Luke come rushing through the door.

" Fuck ! I'll call an ambulance " Jake says and runs off. By now my tears are streaming down my face but looking at her pale body makes me light headed and I soon feel really dizzy.

" Baby ? what's happening ?" Luke asks staring into my eyes

" I.....I..." I choke before falling down but Luke catching me before I do

" Come on " Luke says pulling me into the hall and sitting down.Luke pulls me onto his lap. Only minuets later medics are rushing through the door and into the bathroom and I watch as they carry law's lifeless , pale body out on a stretcher with Niall following closely behind.

" Hey ! what's she like ?!" jake snaps at a medic

" I'm gonna tell you the truth guys , she's not good at all. I'm not sure if she'll make it." he replies and walks away. Why is it when things start going perfect something like this happens.

" I...i. w...want ....g....go ... hospital " I choke out as a whisper.

" They won't you guys in for least another 2-3 hours " a medic interrupts

" That's fine , we can wait " Luke replies sternly, gliding me gently of his lap so he could get up and then offering his hand to help me up. Me , jake and Luke make our way outside and all I see is medics rushing around and police speaking to each other and flashing lights.

" What are you three doing ?" a medic asks Rudely

" Um , sorry mate that's our friend in there " Luke replies " I'm Luke " he adds holding his hand out , which the medic scoffs at

" I don't care who you are and I don't know why your waiting because we all know she's not gonna make it , she deserves to die ,fucked up girl " he snaps back and I break down and fall to the floor in tears

" Are you fucking serious !" Jake snaps snaps " you cannot talk about people like that !" he adds

" Officer !!" Luke shouts rubbing my back

" Yes sir ?" an officer greets us

" This medic here is being rather rude , saying she's not gonna make it and saying she's fucked up and that she deserves to die " Luke says

" Ok we'll sir your gonna have to stay with us so we can plan out our next actions with you " he replies and get two officers to take him to a car.

" Thank you " Luke says standing up and putting his hand out to shake " Luke "he smiles weekly a couple tears falling

" Officer canal , you call call me mark " he smiles weekly

" This is Jake my girlfriends brother and this is my beautiful girlfriend Izzy " Luke says

" Nice to meet you , you ok love ?" the officer asks bending down on one knee to meet my hight. But of course I don't reply.

" Izzy ?" Luke says but I don't reply I go silent

" I'm sure she's just shaken up by everything. How about this , I can give all three of you a police escort to the hospital and you can wait in the relatives room for a while eh ? " The officer says

" Omg that would be great " Jake smiles getting into the car followed by Luke

" Thanks mate " Luke smiles and I'm last because I'm still on the floor

" C'mon love " the officer smiles at me and holds his hand out what I take

" Thank you " I reply hugging him gently and getting into the front of the car.

" Ok guys buckle up for seat belts " mark says and starts driving almost as soon as he said it.


Us three are now in the waiting room , all silent. Luke keeps looking at me but I don't pay attention to anything anyone's saying are doing at the moment.

" Izzy please talk " Jake pleads and Luke looks at me crying but I just turn away.

" Guys " a voice chokes and I look at the door and it's Niall , I quickly get up and run over to him and hug him tightly which he returns.

" Thanks Izzy " he says and sits down

" What's happening Niall ?" Jake asks

" They made me come out so they can do this operation thingy in her stomach "he replies

" How you guys holding up ? Izzy " Niall asks turning to me but I look down

" She's not talking to any of us " Jake says

" That's fine Izzy , when your ready " Niall smiles

" Thanks " I whisper and smile weekly at Luke and he smiles back.

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