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Luke's POV

It's been 5 days since me and Niall brought the house and the girls still Haven't woken up but the doctor said they'll probably wake up together if were lucky. My head was resting , face down , on the side of Izzy's hospital bed, her hand in mine. When her hand was in mine or when I was cuddling her I knew she was safe. I can't help but feel guilty for what happened to her , Izzy said she wasn't happy being at home without me or Niall and I said she'd be fine, she listened to me in the end and stayed but I wish she didn't listen.

" Mate jakes here " Niall says poking my arm

" Oh hey jake " I sniffle

" Hey man " he says tears slowly falling down his face.

" How you been ?" I ask

" Crap. mum and dad escaped and they came back and beat me so I recorded it and handed it in again and now they're in again and in padded rooms with the FBI so their stuffed " he laughs

" Jake did they do anything major ?" Niall asks worriedly

" No just some punches , I've had worse " he smiles " any change ?" he asks pointing to Izzy and Law

" Not at all " Niall sighs

" They'll get through this , their fighters " jake says shakily

" Sometimes you loose the fight " Niall speaks again and we all fall into silence and I start thinking my life without Izzy and I can't imagine living without her.

" I...i...I'm gonna .. g..go cuddle with Law bye " Niall stutters , choking on the tears and walks over to laws bed and shuts the curtains around the bed.

" Oh man " I sigh

" What's up ? " Jake asks sitting down on a chair

" Just want her to wake up " I sigh , my eyes getting glossy but I blink it away.

" Yeah I know mate , well I'm shattered so I'm gonna go sleep on this chair " he says and closes his eyes , and within 5 minuets he's snoring. I lay my head back on Izzy's bed and let the tears fall, hours pass.

" Luke ? why are you crying ?" a small voice says and squeezes my hand, I look up to see Izzy with tears in her eyes.

" I thought I lost you Izzy !" I exclaim and hug her tightly but she doesn't hug back.

" WHERES LAW !!" she exclaims

" She's in that bit over there and she's in a coma but the doctor says she'll be fine " I lie

" Ahh it's all my fault " she cries harder

" Babe no it's not " I say holding her hands and Niall comes over and jake wakes up.

" Yes it is Luke , if I hadn't met Law and Niall their life would be fine and she wouldn't be in a coma and if I stayed away from you jake you wouldn't have been beaten and well Luke if I hadn't met you , your life would be better and you'd have a perfect girlfriend and then get married and have a family and spend the rest of your life with where as you got me and I'm absolutely terrible and ugly and everything bad so all of you go " she cries and my heart breaks , she really thinks all of that.

" If me and Law hadn't met you we'd have no friends " Niall says

" Izzy,your my sister of course I'm gonna stay with you and you needed someone there because you didn't know Luke then and I love you Izzy please don't think that. " Jake says

" It's true tho " she sobs

" Izzy no it's not ." I say

" What ?" she replies

" I wouldn't have had a life if you didn't run into me that night. I was sick and tiered of having no one and then you shed light on everything and my life became better and YOUR the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and get married and have a cute family and all that because I love you Izzy. And your far from fat and ugly because your beautiful and amazing and all the good and amazing things. Please believe me Izzy " I beg and watch a small smile creep onto her face and that's when I smile " there's that smile " I laugh and she joins in.

" I love you Luke , you know that right ?" she says

" I know and I love you more than words " I reply kiss her " want to cuddle ?" I ask smirking

" Yeah I want a cuddle " she says like it was the most obvious thing ever and I laugh. I jump onto the bed gaining a laugh from her and I wrap my arms around her waist and bring her closer to be being careful of the stab wounds.

" Your so brave baby , " I whisper

" I have to be a fighter " she smirks

" My fighter " I smirk

" Yes your fighter " she smiles back

" Your mine " I whisper in her ear

" Yes I'm yours and your mine " she replies smirking and I smile

" And I'm yours " I repeat and she kisses me softly before burring her face into the crook of my neck and we slowly drift of to sleep.

Niall's POV

Watching Luke's face when taking to Izzy made me smile , wow he really loved her , just like I love Law. When Izzy and Luke started cuddling and whispering cute things in each other's ear , and I felt a bit jealous because I really wanted to kiss Law right now and just cuddle with her properly. But I was super happy for Luke and Izzy and she still doesn't know about the house we brought. I went and talked to the doctor telling him that Izzy had woken up and that now she was asleep with Luke and they said they'd come back later and I agreed and Went and cuddled with Law and just cried silently.

Law's POV

Come on Law ! Just open your fucking eyes !!!. this is driving me crazy , I can't do anything , move me legs , arms , or open my eyes and it's scary. After trying to move anything , I gave up and darkness started creeping into my mind again but I hear Niall say something

" Please wake up baby I miss you so so much " he cried and I was mentally crying.

' If only I could ' I thought and the darkness took over once again.


I open my eyes and are greeted by very bright lights . WAIT I OPENED MY EYES !!!. I move my arms and legs and smile widely because I could finally move. I sit up and see Niall asleep with his head on my lap and I run my fingers through his hair and take in the hospital surroundings. Then Niall moves and yawns and opens his eyes and looks up at me and his eyes go wide and I smile.

" OH MY FUCKING HELL !!!!! LAW YOUR AWAKE !!!" He yells smiling widely and hugs me tightly.

" I missed you so much Niall " I smile

" I missed you way more " he replies and before I could answer we smash out lips together.

" I love you "I reply

" I love you too " he smiles and kissing me softly.

Niall's POV

Finally !! when I looked up at her smiling at me I just jumped at her and kissed her. After all that I decided to tell everyone else and then the doctor and they said both girls would have to stay in for another night and we all understood. Both girls fell asleep and me and Luke went to get food.

" OMG Luke we get to take them to our new home " I exclaim

" I know mate in buzzing " Luke replies jumping

" I'm glad to have them back " I admit

" Me too , me to " Luke laughs and we grab some food and go and cuddle with our girlfriends and at this moment I'm just happy she made it. I've got my beautiful girl back.

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