Just a little jog :/

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Isabella's P.O.V

" Luke c'mon we need to get out if the shower now " I say tugging his arm and laughing

" But babe " he whines

" Luke we've both done and washed out hair let's go " I reply

" Babe " he whines again

" Luke if you don't get out right now there will be no more cuddles or kisses " I say crossing my arms.

"Okay !! okay I'm going " he says and rushes out of the shower.

I dry my hair and do my normal makeup and hair routine and style my hair my normal way and put a white summer dress on. I walk into the room to see Luke standing dressed and ready.

" Izzy ." Luke whined

" Yeah ?" I reply

" You said if I don't get out I don't get a kiss but I got out " he says smirking

" Well " I say walking past him

I hear him following behind me and I turn around and slam my lips to his and he smiles into the kiss like always.

" I love you Izzy " Luke says liking his bottom lip then biting it and playing with his lip ring

" I love you too Luke " I say pecking his lips again

Minuets later the front door opens and jake comes in smiling.

" Hey Iz and Luke " he says smiling

" Hey " I reply smiling

" Hey mate " Luke says smiling

" So where did you go or do ?" I ask

" I went grans and then just walked around " jake says

" Awesome" I reply

" What about you two ?" jake asks and my cheeks go red and Luke smirks

" Um "I say

" OMG !!! YOU TOO HAD SEX !!!!!" He shouts laughing

" Jake are you mad ?" I ask looking worried

" No way Iz. It's absolutely fine with me " he says

" Good because I'm not leaving her " Luke smiles

" Awe Luke " jake cooed

" Well what we gonna do now ?" I ask looking at the boys

" How about we bake and then watch loads of tv and eat " Luke suggests

" I swear in my heart your the best boyfriend in the world " I say laughing

" This is mental we've found the boy version of Izzy " jake laughs and me and Luke nod.

We all got a film out and started watching them.

" We'll bake after the film babe " Luke says kissing my nose

" Okay " I smile

Isabella's and jakes mums P.O.V

" DAVID " I shout trying to get him to come downstairs

" What do you want " he snaps

" You need to pay those stupid ass men the money for the drugs " I say

" Yeah I'm going in a minuet " he replies

" Good. We don't particularly want to get on the wrong side of them " I say

" No they've killed people in the past so I want you to either stay in the car or don't come at all " he says and walks out.

" I'll stay here " I shout and start drinking my tea.

Jakes P.OV

When Izzy and Luke told me they had sex today I was actually happy for them. They've both gone through bad times and they found each other and I knew Luke loved her dearly.

" Okay guys I'm gonna pop out on a little run I'll see you later " I say getting up

" Okay bye " both of then say and he pulls her closer and kisses her before wrapping his arms around her waist and watching the film again.

I hate lying but I want to go get my laptop from the house hopefully nothing happens. I get to the house and walk to the door and open it. I was surprised when no one was around so I grabbed my laptop but saw loads of white powder everywhere the house stunk of alcohol and drugs so I quickly ran outside and back to Luke's I had to tell them.

I run into the house, out of breath and panting.

" Jake ? I thought I was a little run " Izzy giggled and as much as I loved to see her smile now was not the time

" Jake , mate you alright ?" Luke asks patting a hand over my back

" Mum and dad their taking .... their taking drugs again " I spit out through breaths

" Fucking twats !!! Izzy shouts

Isabella's P.O.V

" Izzy I'm sorry " jake says

" you Haven't done anything " I say hugging him

"Why don't you two go on a walk while I order pizza yeah ?" Luke says kissing my temple

" Luke really it's fine " I say smiling

" Baby , go on it'll be fine I love you " he says and I smile

" Actually I need a walk " I say and me and Jake walk out

It's pitch black outside and I hate walking at night but it was calming, the cool yet nice breeze blowing gently making little leaves roll over but I still had butterflies in my stomach but not good ones. The ones full of worry

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