Bad news

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Niall's POV

I watch carefully as the doctor sits down in the chair that was facing me.

" I'm here to discuss Lauren " he says making me become worried.

" What " I ask my hear beating at a fast paise.

" Listen what I'm about to tell you is gonna be very hard but you have to understand. We don't think law's gonna make any recovery she's not even breathing on her own right now and we don't think it's gonna get better " he sighs

" What are you gonna do !!" I cry with the tears steaming down my cheeks

" We think it's better to take the machine away. And let her be peaceful " he sighs again.

" NO !!" I shout " I can't loose her " I whimper

" Niall , we have to keep dosing her up with medicine and it's not making her any better it's probably making her worse , it's kinder to let her go, she'll be in less pain " he replies

" I understand " I cry

" Okay niall , I'm gonna go and write up some papers " he says sadly and walks out of the room. What's happening ? I can't seriously be loosing her. Not now.

" WAIT ! DOCTOR " I shout and he comes back

" Yes niall? " he asks

" Tell them what's happening and to come in " i cry and put my head on Law's bed.

" Ok " he replies and walk out.

Luke's POV

Izzy slowly stops to cry and now ok hugging her as tightly as possible.

" Hey guys ? why you out here ?" Jake asks and walks up to us.

" The doctor wants to speak to Niall alone " Izzy mumbles and jakes face goes Paler.

" Oh " he chokes out.

" Hmm" I reply and kiss Izzy's forehead.

" I'm so sorry to tell you this guys but we're gonna let Law go , we're gonna take away the machine , Niall knows and he said he understand and that he wants you all back in there " he doctor says and with every word Izzy shakes and tears are slowly falling down my face as well as jakes and Izzy's are streaming. She let's go of me and runs into the room and dives on Niall and he hugs her tightly.

" I'm so so sorry Niall , this is all my fault " she cries

" What ! no it wasn't " he argues back and kisses her cheek.

" She's gonna go to a better place guys " Jake smiles sadly

" No one deserves to die at the age of 17 !" Izzy cries

" We know Izzy " Niall smiles rubbing her arm.

" No I can't handle this " Izzy pants and puts her hand over her chest. " Luke !! pan....panic attack !! i.....i..I'm ...s....scared " She chokes out, shaking and falls of Niall's lap onto the floor.

" Izzy , come on baby breath , in and out , baby please calm down " i plead

" I..I'm....t...trying....nothings.....working " she cries

" Come on Izzy " I plead again and kiss her gently and I soon feel her clam down.

" Thank you " she chokes

" Anything for you "I smile and kiss her.

" Guys it's time " a voice says and we look over to see the doctor.


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