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Isabella's POV

I watch carefully as the doctor walks in slowly giving us all a sad smile before turning to Niall.

" Niall ? would you Like to do it ?" he asks and Niall nods slowly. He stands up from his chair and walks over to Law.

" I'm always going to love you princess , I'll be with you soon " he whispers but I can hear him and his words send an unwanted chill down my spine.

" Okay Niall just push that button " the doctor instructs, and Niall nods slowly before taking a very deep breath and pushing the emergency stop button and everything goes dead. I turn around and look up at Luke and he wraps his arms around me and I hug him back tightly. She's gone , my best friends gone.

" I'll leave you all for a while " the doctor says and walks out.

" Guys you go home , I want some alone time if that's ok " Niall sniffles and we all nod. I'm kind of happy that he asked us to go home because looking at her was making it worse.

Me , Luke and Jake all walk out of the hospital and get into Luke's car. Me in the back.

" I can't believe she's gone " Jake speaks up.

" Neither can I " Luke sighs

" It's actually scary , she's gone " I mumble

Luke starts up the car and we start to drive back home. We pass multiple small houses before we get to a forest bit and drive through that and then it all opens up and there's no trees all you can see is a long road and the sea. We pull up at the house and I look around and remember the first day we arrived here. The way we both were confused but then we fell in love with it and how the sea is behind it.

" Baby ? what's up " Luke sniffles and wraps his arms around me.

" I guess I'm just thinking " I sigh and feel him tense up.

" What about ?" he asks

" About how freaking lucky I am , I have an amazing boyfriend who cares for me more than words , a super supportive brother , an amazing friend who's going through pain at the moment and this amazing house " I smile gently.

" Just know i'll always love you and I'm never ever gonna leave " Luke says kissing me gently

" I love you " I mumble against his lips

" I love you more " he replies " come on then , it's been a hard day " he sighs and we make our way upstairs into bed and I drift of asleep.

Luke's POV

I wake up around 2 Alcock in the morning and I have no clue why. I kiss Izzy's cheek gently and walk downstairs to see Jake sitting on the sofa on his phone.

" Jake ? why you down here ? " I ask sitting next to him.

" Couldn't sleep " he replies

" Same " I sigh and we both fall into silence but it wasn't bad. That silence was broken by a scream from upstairs.

" Luke !!!" Izzy screams and me and Jake run upstairs to see Izzy shaking but she's asleep.

" No , come on baby. It's just a dream , don't worry " I coo and she shoots up

" Omg " she pants

" What happened ?" Jake asked

" Bad dream " she yawns

" Let's go back to bed " I kiss her and lay back down cuddling her tight.

" night guys " Jake calls and walks out.

" Night Luke , I love you " she smiles and closes her eyes.

" I love you too Izzy " I reply and drift off again.

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