Lies :(

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Isabella's POV

I wake up and look up to see Luke is no longer with me, I sit up and walk into the kitchen and see Luke on his phone.

" Hey " I smile

" Hi " he says bluntly

" Okay ..... you alright ?" I ask

" No not really " he says

" What's up babe ?" I say holding his hand

" I .... i.....i think w..we should take a break " he stutters

" What ?" I choke

Luke's POV

" I .... i.....i think w..we should take a break " I stutter

" What ?" She cokes the tears visible in her eyes

" I think we should take a break " I repeat

" A....are you breaking up with me " she whispers

" Y..yes " I stutter

" Wait what the fuck ! last night you were being cute and telling me you love me and then you break up with me ??" she cries the tears falling down her face

" Izzy lis....." I start but was cut off

" No Luke it's fine." she says

" What ?" I say shocked

" I'm used to it, just go I'm used to being told stuff that's not true " she says

" What do you mean ?" I ask choking on my words

" Well let's start of, my only friend said she loved having me as a friend and then ditched me saying she felt sorry, my cousins said they loved me and when I called for help they shrugged. Oh yeah my parents told me they loved me and then they put me in hospital , great love that is and well now you .... just go Luke I'm used to being used and then thrown to the side like rubbish maybe I am i shouldn't even be here so please Luke just go " she says tears slipping from her eyes

" Izzy " I say letting tears fall

" No Luke go, but don't expect me to be here if you come back " she says

" Oh wait stupid me I'll leave seeing as it's your house anyway " she says and runs upstairs

About fifteen minuets later she comes back with a suitcase full of all her stuff.

" Where will you go ?" I choke

" Back to my parents house " she says

" But they'll hurt you " I say standing up

" Nothing can be worse than the pain I'm feeling now " she says and my hear breaks

" Bye Luke " she says and walked out the door.

I watch as she walks down the road when she's out of sight I scream loudly and punch the wall

' It's done ! I fucking broke up with her ' I send the text

' Good now she won't get hurt ' they reply

Well I already hurt her and she said the pain was worse than being beat. Wow I should have explained.

Isabella's POV

I walk down the street and realise I actually have no where to live. I knew Luke was right my parent would beat me and I wouldn't fight back so id probably die. Niall and Lauren don't have a house seeing as they live with us... well Luke now and I didn't want to go through endless amounts of questions from my gran so I'm stuck.

I carry on walking until I see a little bed and breakfast place on the edge of out estate so I decided to go there.

" Well hello ma'am " a lady says as I walk in with my head down, I look up and her face fills with worry " are you okay ?" she asks more friendly

" Yes I'm fine thank you" I reply " how much is a room for one person ?" I ask

" How long will you be here ?" the lady asks

" I have no clue, my boyfriend just broke up with me and we lived together and I have no where else to go so yeah " I sigh

" Okay your room is 362 and don't worry about the costs at the moment love "she smiles " and my names Lina "

" My names Isabella but you can call me Izzy " I smile and shake her hand

" Okay Izzy hope you enjoy your stay " she smiles

I walk upstairs and unlock my room and see the place is run down but on the inside it's actually really well looked after. I jump on the bed and ball my eyes out I can't do this why does everybody hate me ? why am I even here !!

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