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"My what?" Dad asks.
"Does Clary know about this?" Simon asks
"Who do you think gave birth to me?" I ask.
"That doesn't make sense...clary met Jace not even a year ago," Simon says.
"We're from the future, don't believe me? Fine, but how do I know that right now you are with Maia, you are with mom, and a few days ago you had a terrible first date" I say. "Exactly" I add as I see their face. "Now, we came here with my twin, Sam, and we need to get her back...like now!" I say.
"So..you have three kids?" Simon asks.
"Five...." I correct. "Jace and Alec stayed at camp," I explain. They look at me in confusion. I roll my eyes. "New clave law" I explain.
"Five kids...I can't imagine you with kids," Simon laughs.
"You have four," I say plainly.
"What?!" Simon asks.
"Yeah, Jason, David, Cat and Gabriel" I explain. "Anyways! Enough of this! We need to find Sam!" I say.
"I need to go to the bathroom" Joe says. I glare at her.
"Of course you do," I say.

We went to Jade Wolf and went to the bathroom.

I sigh as I look at the wall, thinking of what the hell happened. Clary and I have kids?! And they are in the bathroom while I'm drinking...I'm a horrible teenage dad. "Hey, could you do a girl a favor and get me one of those?" I look at the woman. She was pretty, she had long black hair and dark brown eyes. She looked like Izzy, except older and taller.
"I would love to...but I don't think my girlfriend would like that too much." I say.
"I didn't mean it like that, it's just....you seem to be the only guy that seems to get any service around here" she says. I ask the bartender for another one. "Whoever She is she must be wonderful," she says.
"Yeah, She is," I say.
"To true love," she says holding up her glass. I clink it. I hold up the drink to drink it.
"NO DON'T DRINK THAT!" Cely says as she slaps the drink or of my hand. It hits the woman and shatters, the drink splashing all over her.
"What the hell?!" I ask her.
"It's spiked! The bitch spiked it while you weren't looking!" Joe says. I look at her incredulously.
"Spiked his drink?! How dare you Accuse me of such a thing" The woman says annoyed.
"Accuse?!" Joe asks. "ACCUSE?! ACCUSE MY ASS! I'll show you accuse!" Joe says as she starts to go towards her. Cely grabs her arm. "Let go!" Joe says.
"She's crazy! I would never spoke a drink."

"She's crazy! I would never spike a drink." Lilith says. You can call my sister annoying, a pain in your ass, and maybe even stupid and reckless, but definitely not crazy. "Make it hurt" I growl as I let her go. How goes towards her and punch's her face. Lilith stumbles back.
"Agh!" Lilith's eyes turn pitch black. She raises her hand to do some demon magic. Joe then kicks her hard in her private, Well, if she couldn't have children before she definitely can't now. Joey then grabs a bottle from behind the counter and smashes it on her head. Then she pushes her to the wall and grabs a bunch of her dark hair. Then she bashes Lilith's head on the wall over and over again. My dad just looked at her in shock.
"Die bitch!" Joe says. Like suddenly comes in from the door and sees Joe bashing Lilith's head on the wall. He picks Joe up from her waist.
"Wow Wow wow!" Luke says.
"Wait! I'm not done!" Joe says as she kicks out of Luke's grip. Then she bashed Lilith's head four more times and let's her drop to the ground. She dusts herself off and looks at luke. "Ok, I'm done" Joe says.
Luke grabbed Joe's shoulders and threw her out. (Literally, she hit the bench.) "ow! Nice move grandpa," Joe says.
"Excuse me?" He asks.
"She didn't mean it as an offense," I say.
"Nope, Sorry, I forgot," Joe says.
"What are you talking about?! Jace how do you know these girls?!" Luke asks frowning. "Aren't you supposed to be with Clary?!" He asks.
"Isn't She in idris?" I ask.
"How did you know that?" Luke and dad ask at the same time.
"Well, uh, I herd the story...mom told me the story of Ithuriel and everything..." I explain.
"Who's your mom?" Luke asks.
"Well," I say. But then someone interrupts me.
"CELY!" I hear I look over and see Sammy. She had red hair now, not ginger but red. I gasp.
"SAM!" I yell. I run to her and jump into her arms. "Oh my god I thought I'd never see you again!" I cry.
"By the angel!" She cries. "Oh Joe! Joe Joe Joe!" She says as she hugs Joey. "We can't leave..." Sammy says. We need to make them forget...if not it can affect us," Sammy says.
"How do we do that?" I ask. Sammy grabs a stele glowing white. "You need to use this, make them forget, and go back.." Sammy says. "And take us back."
"Why me?" I ask.
"I used my try, I thought I just had to do it and then we would be back. But we have to be together" she explains.
"Wait, before you do that...just tell me one thing. Am I a good dad?" Dad asks. I go towards him.
"The best" I say. I grab Sammy and Joe's hands in one hand. Then I draw a rune in the floor.
"Cely..." I look back. "You, Joe and Sam are the best daughters I could ever wish for...even if I don't know you to well," Dad says.
"We love you dad," i say. I draw the rune. And we're gone.

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